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"Knocked my confidence and made me question myself as a parent"

About: Forth Valley Community Services / Health visiting Forth Valley Royal Hospital / Maternity unit

(as a service user),

My daughter was born recently and the staff in Forth Valley were incredible. I could not fault them at all. My partner, doula and I were treated so well. As first time parents we were terrified which was exacerbated by us being new to the area and not having much local knowledge. However all of the midwives, doctors, nurses, domestic and catering staff in FVRH were amazing. The community midwives, health visitors and their students who visited us at home after the birth were also great, really informative and helpful.

Everything was going well until we had a visit from a member of staff who we assume was from the infant feeding team. My partner looked at their ID badge, although now it is difficult to remember their title. 

They were so rude to us and left me in tears after their visit. This person weighed my daughter and said that she had lost 11% of her birth weight. They questioned me about feeding - how long feeds were and attachment. They asked me what I knew about breastfeeding, as a first-time mum with no family and no real experience with babies, I struggled to say anything positive but did tell them that I did not want to feed formula or use bottles, and that I have always been pro-breastfeeding and this was how I wished to feed my daughter. I advised that I had a doula who supported us antenatallly, during the birth, and postpartum who was extremely supportive and helpful and that we would be getting visits from them over the next few weeks to help. 

This member of staff told me and my partner that we were not feeding our daughter enough and that she would need formula top-ups as well as breastmilk. They helped me to express milk and helped prepare a bottle for baby, as well as helping me to breastfeed. I felt very on edge breastfeeding in front of them as they told me to not do it like that. I felt very insecure and uncomfortable around them and generally I felt that they were looking down on my partner and I, judging us all the time. They grabbed my baby and handled her really roughly, almost throwing her at one point. I was so shocked but could not find any words to say. I just cried. They told us that if my daughter did not put on enough weight we would need to go back into hospital to learn how to breastfeed. 

I have never in my life felt like such a failure. Or so useless. When I told this member of staff, through tears, that I thought we were doing OK with feeding but now I felt like the worst parent, they offered no education, words of wisdom, help, encouragement, compassion nor empathy. I was really badly shaken by this experience and it took me a good month or two to regain confidence in breastfeeding and generally in parenthood.

I attended the Breastfeeding network groups (non-NHS) which were so supportive and approachable, and so I had a completely different experience. I didn't attend BfN groups earlier as it was actually this member of staff who had recommended them. I thought they were associated with them and even thought that they could be in attendance, so did not want to come across them again. 

It is only now after 14 months I feel able to tell others about my experience, as it really did knock my confidence and make me question myself as a parent. My daughter put on all of her birth weight and thrived. The midwives came out to see me the next day and advised me that this member of staff would not be out to see me again as they were off work, which we both felt very relieved about. 

It is such a shame that this occurred as I have, to date, not had any issues with FV NHS services or professionals. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from HV and School Nursing Service Manager, Health Visiting, NHS Forth Valley last month
Submitted on 26/04/2024 at 15:32
Published on Care Opinion at 15:33

Dear Aquariusrg79

I am so sorry to hear you had such a negative experience and I want you to know we take your feedback seriously and try to learn from it. It would be helpful if you could get in touch with our Patient Relations Service so that I can gain more information to be able to investigate your situation more thoroughly. This will allow me to share feedback and learning to the teams to help prevent this from happening again. Having a new baby and breastfeeding are very stressful times for parents especially when what we want is for you to enjoy your new baby and your experience. If you feel able to please contact our department details below.

Patient Relations
Forth Valley Royal Hospital
Stirling Road

Phone: 01324 566660

I hope you continue to have more positive experiences and enjoyment of your baby.

Thank you for your message

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Response from Alana Harrower, Department Manager/Senior Midwife/Best Start Project Lead, Women, Children & Sexual Health, NHS Forth Valley last month
Alana Harrower
Department Manager/Senior Midwife/Best Start Project Lead, Women, Children & Sexual Health,
NHS Forth Valley
Submitted on 26/04/2024 at 16:25
Published on Care Opinion at 16:26

Dear aquariusrq79

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, I am glad to hear you had a positive experience and felt you were treated well in FVRH. I am sorry this has not continued in your postnatal journey and you are still feeling the effects of this.

I would like to understand more of your concerns, however as care opinion is an anonymous forum it is difficult for me to investigate your concerns and offer any additional information relating to your care without your personal contact. I wonder if you would be able to speak with me on the telephone or meet with me so that I can review your care and take forward any learning for staff. My contact details are below.


Alana Harrower

Department Manager Midwifery teams / Senior Midwife

01324 567167

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