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"Radiology mobile unit. Nurse who tk me to app"

About: Kent & Canterbury Hospital

Radiology mobile unit. 23/4/24 Had an app k and c hospital for an MRI on my head at the mobile unit. Tuesday 23rd

of april 24 at 5.45pm. There was a lovely nurse who picked me up from the waiting area d.Took me to the outside mri unit and was so helpful and compassionate.I have a terrible fear of enclosed spaces. She helped me get on to the bed , get the head cage over me , and allowed me to hold her hand while i was slowly slid into the machine, reassuring me constantly that i was safe.

There is no way I would have been able to have got into the machine.Without her help, she was the best member of staff that has helped me with this fear, Compassionate, supportive, and patient.I was so pleased I'm so gratefull to her. I don't know her name . But would like her thanked by someone. Please. logo
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Response from Patient Feedback Co-Ordinator, Patient Voice and Involvement, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust last month
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 01/05/2024 at 14:36
Published on Care Opinion at 14:36

Thank you so much for your lovely words. I can see from reading your comments just how much you appreciated the care and attentiveness this staff member gave to you in a potentially stressful and scary situation.

I will make sure to pass your feedback onto the department leads who I'm sure will be able to thank the individual on your behalf.

Best Wishes.

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