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"Making my very difficult life somewhat easier"

About: Community Services - North Devon / Community Rehabilitation

(as a relative),

My husband suffers from dementia and despite the help of three privately funded carers I, being his wife, am left with the overnight hours.

He unfortunately has the habit of getting out of bed several times during the night so when I heard about the various alarms which are available I contacted our Community Rehab Team.

They were very good and sent out an extremely helpful nurse, Paula, the next day. She assessed our needs and ordered the items from Millbrook.

Yet again, the following day Millbrook sent out an engineer who fitted the various things with great care. These alarms will make my very difficult life somewhat easier as I now have a warning when he gets out of bed.

Many thanks to the Bideford Community Rehab Team and especially to Paula for their prompt helpful attention.

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Response from Susan Izzard, Specialist Physiotherapist (Northern Services), Community Health & Social Care - Rehabilitation Bideford (Northern Services Therapies Team), Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust last month
Susan Izzard
Specialist Physiotherapist (Northern Services), Community Health & Social Care - Rehabilitation Bideford (Northern Services Therapies Team),
Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 24/04/2024 at 12:54
Published on Care Opinion at 12:54

picture of Susan Izzard

Thank you so much for finding the time to provide feedback about the services you received from Bideford Community Rehab Team and Millbrook.

It sounds like you have a lot to cope with and I am so pleased to hear Paula was prompt and helpful, and able to relieve some your worries overnight by providing you with a sensor alarm to hear when your husband wakes. I hope this is making life a little easier for you.

I will pass on your kind message to Paula and also to Millbrook. The Community Rehab Team would be more than happy to reassess your husbands needs and review if things change and you require our support in the future.

Many thanks once again, and I hope things continue to be a little easier.


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