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"Cast aside and badly failed"

About: Victoria Hospital / Cardiology Victoria Hospital / Emergency Care Ambulatory Service (ECAS) Victoria Hospital / Endoscopy

(as the patient),

I was taken in by ambulance with Arrhythmia in mid 2023. The doctor did not arrange my heart scan and blood thinners until they wrote to my GP at the end of 2023.  

They did arrange for me to have 2 iron infusions at ECAS.  But they did not tell GP that I should be put onto iron tablets. GP started me on this 2 months later when at Pre Op for my hip replacement it was discovered that once again my haemoglobin levels were low and I was asked why I was not on iron tablets. 

GP arranged for 2 iron infusions at ECAS.  When I went in for second one nobody was expecting me.  Level of haemoglobin dropped.  GP arranged for 2 units of blood to be transfused.  Problem with cross match, so ECAS asked me to go home with cannula in and come back the next day, I refused and it was taken out.  

Next day transfusion stopped as I was told Lab wanted blood back. Later told blood was out of date and an investigation was under way! Alarmingly I still have not heard back about results of this. Can someone tell me if there was ever an investigation or was I told this to pacify me?

Blood transfusion only brought haemoglobin level up to 100.  Surgery cannot take place until it reaches 125.  I have now been told just to go back to see GP to follow this up.  

I had to have an Enteroscopy this month.  I was at the Vic for this appointment when I get a call to say do not come in, 35 minutes before appointment as the piece of equipment needed was away for repair.  Outrageous no more advance notice!  I am now very immobile and in unbearable pain.  I have a borrowed stick and have bought all the aids to help me in my home.  I am a widow and live alone and can no longer manage normal household chores and feel I have been cast aside and badly failed by NHS Fife on far too many fronts and occasions now.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Siobhan Mcilroy, Head Patient Experience, Corporate Services, NHS Fife 2 weeks ago
Siobhan Mcilroy
Head Patient Experience, Corporate Services,
NHS Fife
Submitted on 15/05/2024 at 17:04
Published on Care Opinion at 17:04

picture of Siobhan Mcilroy

Dear Bowick

My name is Siobhan McIlroy and I am the Head of Patient Experience. NHS Fife welcomes all feedback, so thank you for taking the time to post on Care Opinion.

I am sorry to hear you experienced an arrhythmia mid 2023, this must have been a very frightening time for you. It sounds as though you have experienced several issues with your care during your journey, which must be very upsetting and frustrating.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this further with you and to see what support I can offer. If you are in agreement, can you please email me at and put "cast aside and badly failed" in the subject heading.

I am sorry that this has been your experience, this is not what we expect or want for our patients. Hope to speak to you soon.

Thank you again for sharing your story, best wishes and take care, Siobhan

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Response from Valerie Turner, Senior Charge Nurse, ECAS / DVT / OPAT / Ward 51, NHS Fife last week
Valerie Turner
Senior Charge Nurse, ECAS / DVT / OPAT / Ward 51,
NHS Fife
Submitted on 20/05/2024 at 17:47
Published on Care Opinion at 17:47

My Name is Valerie Turner the Senior Charge Nurse for the ECAS Unit. I apologise for the experience you had whilst attending the ECAS Unit, I see that Siobhan McIlroy has offered her contact details for you to discuss things further.

My sincere apologies once again

Valerie Turner

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