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"Taught me so much about TICs and neurodiversity"

About: Children and Young People Services / Child and Adolescent Mental Services

(as a parent/guardian),

We have been attending CAMHS with my son for over a year, followed by 6+weeks with the OT team.

I have to say, the care and attentiveness those girls have given my child through a really tough year has been outstanding.

The knowledge, professionalism and understanding of Beth and Margaret have taught me so much about TICs and neurodiversity. It has equipped me to better handle situations and be a better parent.

I am very grateful to have had the support and expertise from them. Thank you so much

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Response from Shirley Dennison, Clinic Manager, CAMHS Services, Southern Health and Social Care Trust last month
Shirley Dennison
Clinic Manager, CAMHS Services,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 22/04/2024 at 17:15
Published on Care Opinion at 17:15


Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience of CAMHS on Care Opinion. I will share your story with both Dr Beth and Margaret. It is acknowledged that it can be difficult for young people and their families attending services and I am glad to hear that you were provided with information regarding TICs and neurodiversity to help better understand and support your son.

I hope that your son will continue to make progress and that you will be able to manage situations as they arise.


Shirley Dennison

CAMHS Manager C&B N&M

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