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"Nobody seems to have any interest or care"

About: Raigmore Hospital / Radiology

(as a service user),

27 minutes driving round car park to unsuccessfully find a parking space. Unable to walk the distance from any other legal parking space. Ended up illegally parking. I arrived late, breathless, spinning with vertigo and imbalance problems, nausea due to both, and atrial fibrillation and no voice.  

No directions from the hospital entrance to the test suite mentioned in the invite letter. 

Info on invite letter to tell me which suite to be at did not match the info on the wall outside the suite ie letter said ‘Diagnostic Clinic 1’.  I could find no such clinic. My appt took place at CT scan 2 suite. Letter said report to reception at clinic 1.  I could find no reception anywhere. 

At the scan i had to lie on my tummy - or I could not see what was going on around me.  I had no voice due to my breathing problems.  I am deaf.  Nobody asked me if I needed any added help.  Nobody gave me a chance to ask about a thing.  Very rushed.  Long queue.  I felt like a lump on a conveyer belt.  Annoying people when asking for things to be repeated.  Annoying people when I couldn’t be heard or understood. 

Nobody stopped and looked at me properly - they rushed away after speaking / barely looked at me when doing so - so nobody noticed I had balance problems and I didn’t get to say I had vision problems. 

So I didn’t know I was back out of the scan and it was over, until someone spoke into my ear.  I literally screamed and physically leapt.  It took ten minutes until my heart was back on rhythm and the floor, walls and ceiling stopped moving around me.  Nobody helped me.  Quick apology.  No time to listen to my explanation.  Carried on rushing around me with their system.  

2.5 hours after leaving home - distressed and exhausted - deaf and no voice with severe balance problems - I needed to eat and drink.  Cafe was not able to serve me one single item of food that was dairy free. Not one.  Not even an apple.  

I wanted to claim expenses as I’m on Universal Credit.  No directions to the relevant offices.  I had to walk to three different offices/desks to get through the process to get my money.  This took 20 minutes of walking with vertigo, heart and lung problems and no directions on how to get to each desk, how to get back out of each, how to find the exit of the building and how to access food, or drink, or toilets.  

My trip from and to home took 2 hours and 55 minutes.  The appointment took 4 minutes.  

I won’t be going back.  I’ll do without tests.  

I’ve no named consultant.  I don’t know why I’m getting all these tests.  I don’t know who to contact for results.  I’ve no idea what’s wrong with me to make me so unwell and I felt nobody helped or supported me or explained anything.  It’s now 12 weeks since I was taken ill. Nobody seems to have any interest or care that I am so unwell.   

The posters etc say it’s ok to ask.  Only answer I’ve had is, I don’t know, that’s not my field.  

Feel it's a waste of money and waste of my time and much depleted energy.  What’s the point in testing me for ‘something’ and making myself ill and exhausted for days after when nobody bothers to talk to me and tell me anything?  

It makes me feel that only the most severe of illnesses are treated and patients looked after, and the rest of us don’t count.  My quality of life trapped in my home with no help or support is not acknowledged or support or treatment given.  

As long as I have no diagnosis or treatment or support I cannot get benefits to pay for food or heating or transport to and from hospital tests. And I get called lazy and irresponsible.

I feel that the hospital system abdicates responsibility, causing huge effort, suffering and inconvenience.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Sylvia Fraser, Clinical Governance Facilitator , Clinical Governance, NHS Highland last month
Sylvia Fraser
Clinical Governance Facilitator , Clinical Governance,
NHS Highland

I am part of the overall team who manages complaints for NHS Highland and are known as the Feedback Team. We offer patients, relatives, MPs/MSPs, staff and anyone who requires assistance is registering a concern or formal complaint.

Submitted on 23/04/2024 at 10:19
Published on Care Opinion at 10:19

picture of Sylvia Fraser

Dear Benefituser

Thank you for highlighting your experience whilst attending Raigmore Hospital.

You have noted various points which I will address individually however I would like to offer you an initial apology that you had such a negative experience.

I am sorry to read that you found it difficult, and challenging to find an available parking space upon arrival. As you may be aware NHS Highland have recently completed a full upgrade of parking facilities on site however the demand for spaces often outweighs the allocation. NHS Highland completed a full appraisal in order to optimise the space allocation, and were able to increase the amount of spaces during these works, however this can often be insufficent due to the level of demand.

I have passed your comments to our Estates Team for their consideration, and to see if anything further can be done to resolve this matter.

I am sorry that you were unable to purchase diary free options at the Cafe. Normally there is a full selection of fruit and other products available to purchase. I have passed your comments to the Catering Department to ensure that there is sufficient selections throughout the day.

Signage - I am sorry that you found the signage unhelpful when trying to locate the Radiology Department and the Cash Office. The signage at Raigmore Hospital was implemented some time ago. A full consultation was held with attendees from Sight Action and other support services and endorsed the terminology used for the directional signage. I have contact our Estates Team to highlight your challenges and asked them to review these to see if any amendments are required.

My colleague from Radiology will respond to you independently in order to address your concerns regarding your appointment and invitation letter.

Thank you for taking the time to highlight your experience to us. Feedback from service users is encouraged and allows us to reflect and review the services we provide in order to make improvements, or changes.

With kind regards


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Response from Stephanie Adlinton, Service Manager - Radiology, Acute Services, NHS Highland last month
Stephanie Adlinton
Service Manager - Radiology, Acute Services,
NHS Highland
Submitted on 24/04/2024 at 16:47
Published on Care Opinion at 16:47

Dear Benfitsuser,

Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback on your recent visit. I would also like to sincerely apologise that this visit did not go well for you.

I'm keen to hear about your experience in more detail, if possible, please can you contact myself via 01463 704 233.

In the interim, I have passed your comments onto our Radiography Team Leads to review and see what we can put in place to support next time.

Kindest regards

Stephanie Adlinton

Radiology Service Manager

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