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"Policy lacks empathy"

About: Maternity Care (Wards 21-24) / Maternity Ultrasound

(as a service user),

I was booked for my 20 weeks anomaly scan but unfortunately I must attend alone or cancel the appointment. It is a very important scan to see everything is ok with my baby but the policy is that no children are allowed to be in the exam room. This is a NHSL policy that does not take into consideration any individual circumstances  as I don't have anyone to look after my toddler so my husband will stay outside and I will be all alone in the exam room. I will be without support if I learn any bad news without the presence of my husband to help me understand and comfort me if needed.

I believe this policy lacks empathy for the patient as it is important for a pregnant  individual to have as much support as possible. I have asked during my first dating scan for them to consider letting children in on a case-by-case basis but it was not even considered. I believe patient's wellbeing should be a priority and some flexibility if appropriate should be at least considered. 

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Response from Maureen Dobbin, Service Manager Maternity & Neonates, University Hospital Wishaw, NHS Lanarkshire 2 months ago
Maureen Dobbin
Service Manager Maternity & Neonates, University Hospital Wishaw,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 18/04/2024 at 13:09
Published on Care Opinion at 13:09

picture of Maureen Dobbin

Dear phasepz43,

Thankyou so much for taking the time to provide us with feedback on your experience within our Obstetric Scan Department. I am sorry to hear that you have had a negative experience and this is something that we do not aim for with our patients.

All of the scans that we perform require a high level of concentration and minimal distraction using highly complex scan equipment within a dark light setting clinical room.

Due to our scan rooms being small, only one adult can accompany you for your scan.

Children are not permitted to attend scan appointments as they can often be distracting to the sonographer while they perform this medical examination, carry out important clinical checks and also to parents while they are being given and absorbing essential information.

A screening environment is not appropriate for children, as it can be distressing for them to witness their parents upset if unexpected news relating to the baby or mother are found. This is the same if a more intimate method of scanning is required to complete the examination. Most UK hospitals do not allow children to attend scans as childcare at the hospital is not available.

In the event that patient cannot attend their scan due to childcare issues, we can re-arrange the scan at a time more convenient for them. If the patient is the only person able to watch the child, I.e single parent with absolutely no other childcare then we do have extenuating circumstances where they will need to attend with a child.I apologise again but would like to reassure you that our patients wellbeing is at the heart of all the care that we deliver. ​Best Wishes ​Maureen ​
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