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"Eye casualty advice "

About: William Harvey Hospital (Ashford)

My son has a flare up of uveitis so we call the eye triage but the call ended after a minute message so not able to talk to anyone. We tried to call eye casualty reception for advice and the receptionist quickly dismissed us telling us to call the other triage and when we ( tried to) explained that it was not possible to communicate with anyone he said they were busy then for some unknown reason ask me not to shout when I replied I wasn't ( please feel free to listen to the record call around 12.15) she hang up . This is unacceptable unprofessional and potentially negligent logo
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Response from Patient Feedback Co-Ordinator, Patient Voice and Involvement, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 2 months ago
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 03/04/2024 at 19:06
Published on Care Opinion at 19:06

I am so sorry to read about your poor experience. This is not the way we want any of our patients to be treated and I can only imagine how upsetting and frustrating this must be for you trying to get treatment for your son.

Please could you contact my team via our email address which is and we will try to assist.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

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