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"South West Acute Hospital - maternity, delivery suite and theatre"

About: South West Acute Hospital / Maternity care Western Health & Social Care Trust / Community Midwifery Services

(as a parent/guardian),

Our baby boy was born two weeks ago. I received great care from midwives and consultants in the hospital during my pregnancy. When I went into hospital to be induced, I was looked after well and kept informed at all times. The delivery suite was very busy on that day so the staff made sure there was adequate staff available before my labour induction commenced. I was monitored and looked after by a senior and student midwife during the induction and early labour and then by another experienced midwife after the changeover of staff shifts. I felt at ease and well cared for. After a few hours in labour it was discovered on examination that my baby had moved position during labour, was lying sideways and immediately theatre was prepped for emergency section. I was looked after in theatre by a full team just after midnight. The theatre staff took great care of me and the baby and worked efficiently to deliver our boy safely and to look after me in the recovery room. Following transfer to the maternity ward, I received great care from the midwives over the next few days while I recovered in hospital. I have since received excellent care and attention from the community midwives postpartum, given lots of advice and always reassured to call if any concerns.

The hospital staff and the whole maternity team were wonderful and I can't thank them enough for the safe delivery of our little boy.

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Response from Mairead McKenna, Midwifery Sister SWAH, Western Health & Social Care Trust 2 months ago
Mairead McKenna
Midwifery Sister SWAH,
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Submitted on 27/03/2024 at 12:28
Published on Care Opinion at 12:28

Dear Springbaby

Congratulations on the birth of your baby son. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such lovely feedback.

It is lovely to hear that your experience in the unit was so positive despite the business of the unit.

Despite this I am glad you felt you were cared for within the wider maternity team. I will pass on your feedback to the wider team.

May I wish you the very best.

Kind Regards

Mairead McKenna

Midwifery Sister

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Response from Ali Ferguson, Community Midwife Team Lead for SWAH/OHPCC, Maternity, WHSCT last month
Ali Ferguson
Community Midwife Team Lead for SWAH/OHPCC, Maternity,
Submitted on 09/04/2024 at 11:06
Published on Care Opinion at 11:06

picture of Ali Ferguson

Hi Springbaby,

Congratulations on the birth of your son and thank you for taking the time to share your comments.

I am delighted to hear that you felt well supported and informed during your time in the maternity unit, theatre and community setting. It is always lovely for staff to hear that the care they provided was so well received. I will ensure to share your comments with the wider maternity team.

I would like to send my best wishes to you and your family.

Kind Regards

Ali Ferguson

Community Midwife Team Lead

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