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"All the staff involved were extremely professional"

About: Fife Community Services / Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Service (RCDS)

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

I was losing weight and I decided to consult with my GP. Initially my GP was not too worried at this weight loss but as this began to increase over a short period of time he referred me to the hospital for tests. 

These tests included a CT scan which was arranged through the RCDS unit at Victoria Hospital. Katie from the unit got in touch with me and made all the arrangements, which included transport to and from the hospital.

This RCDS service was new to me but all the staff involved were extremely professional at all times and kept me up to date with what would be happening. 

The most impressive part of the service is the speed.  No waiting and wondering at all. My thanks to everyone involved in making my visit to the hospital less stressful than I was thinking it might be.  My results were clear so that's great news.   

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Response from Murdina MacDonald, Lead Cancer Nurse, Cancer Services, NHS Fife 2 months ago
Murdina MacDonald
Lead Cancer Nurse, Cancer Services,
NHS Fife
Submitted on 01/04/2024 at 09:45
Published on Care Opinion at 09:45

Dear rcdsal49

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience of care with us. I must also extend my apologies for the delay in responding to your care opinion message as your sharing is valuable to us. I am sorry if this has caused you any inconvenience.

It’s great that you are proactive in consulting with your GP regarding your weight loss concerns. We appreciate that your GP responded by referring you to our RCDS service for further tests when your weight loss continued to increase. Orchestrating timely investigations exemplifies one of the core principles of RCDS which is achievable through effective communication and logistical support. We know from previous patients this aspect of care can help to alleviate stress at this time. It’s reassuring to know that you found our team to be professional and communicative throughout your experience as we strive to always deliver person centred care through clear communication and professionalism as this can enhance the patient experience and instill confidence in the care being delivered. Swift access to diagnostic tests and prompt communication of results are essential elements of RCDS and it’s encouraging to hear that these were effectively provided in your case. Receiving clear test results is undoubtedly a relief, and it’s excellent news that your results were clear. Clear communication of test outcomes is vital in ensuring that patients fully understand their outcome and any necessary follow-up steps.
Your experience highlights the importance of RCDS's timely intervention, efficient coordination of care, and clear communication. Thank you for sharing your positive experience.

Kind Regards


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