"An invaluable team"

About: Public Health Nursing / Health Visiting Service

(as a service user),

Kelly, Health visitor at Country Medical Centre, organised a Mother’s Day craft and refreshments morning. It was a wonderful being able to meet up with other new mums and to share experiences.

The thoughtful craft was something to treasure forever. Kelly and her team are invaluable and I hope they will be able to continue to run events like this. 

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Response from Elizabeth Whyte, Lead Nurse, Public Health Nursing, Paediatrics, Women's Services & Corporate Support, NHSCT 5 months ago
Elizabeth Whyte
Lead Nurse, Public Health Nursing, Paediatrics, Women's Services & Corporate Support,
Submitted on 21/03/2024 at 16:31
Published on Care Opinion at 16:31

picture of Elizabeth Whyte

Dear Jaymq53

My name is Elizabeth Whyte and I am a Lead nurse for Public health nursing service.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your lovely feedback regarding the Mother's day event facilitated by Kelly and the health visiting team.

Great to read this was an enjoyable experience and welcomed opportunity to meet other mothers in the area.

This feedback and your comment that you would value more events like this will be shared with Kelly, health visiting team and manager.

Best wishes,


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