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"The treatment of my granddaughter"

About: General practices in Dumfries and Galloway

(as a relative),

My granddaughter was given an MRI and was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis, then Fibromyalgia. She was put on a pain management plan by the consultant. When the first prescription they wrote for her - stating that she would be on the medication for a long time - ran out the GP's decided to cut the level of pain management to less than half.

Since then she has been in extreme pain. she complained and was told she would have learn to live with the pain. She complained in writing to the surgery. Since then she has found it hard to get an appointment to see a doctor. She has been told to phone at 08:00 on a morning to get an appointment. She has phoned at 08:00, only to be told there are no spaces.

Recently her prescription was halved, which unfortunately has now run out and has resulted in her being in extreme pain. She has asked for a second MRI but the GP stated there was no point doing another one because she has been diagnosed. She feels that her spine is compacting which is causing the increase in her pain and the GP's seem reluctant to refer her to the DGRI for further tests.

Is this because they are now an agency and no longer NHS, and putting in a referral would impact on their profits and consequently their wage packet, so their income is far more important than their patients' quality of life?  

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Response from Emma Murphy, Patient Feedback Manager, NHS Dumfries and Galloway 2 months ago
Emma Murphy
Patient Feedback Manager,
NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Submitted on 22/03/2024 at 08:25
Published on Care Opinion at 08:25

Dear Leebea12

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. I am sorry to hear of the difficulties your granddaughter has been facing.

GP Practices are independent contractors and as such, they manage patient feedback within their practices and have their own complaints procedure. Therefore should your granddaughter wish to raise this matter further, the best next step would be for her to speak with the relevant practice directly. I note that you mention she has complained to the practice previously. If she is dissatisfied with their handling of her complaint, she has the right to progress to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. More information can be found on their website at

If your granddaughter needs support engaging with the practice, the Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) can assist her to provide feedback. Their service is independent, confidential and free. More information on PASS can be found at

I hope that the above is helpful.

Kindest regards

Emma Murphy

Patient Feedback Manager

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