"feel like I’m constantly being forgotten"

About: Rampton Hospital / National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women

(as the patient),

I wanting to get my opinion across because I am becoming highly frustrated with my care and situation.

I am the only seg on this ward and feel like I’m constantly being forgotten about.

I am meant to get up for 4 hours a day but its rare that actually happens, and even then, that’s only when TI’S or DRC staff come over to help. Its not fair. Its down to the staffing levels. They just can’t get me up. I get support from my peer support worker which is regular.

When I’m left for hours on end, it makes me really anxious, and then when I do come out my room I’m even more anxious because it’s like I’m not used to be out amongst everyone. When staff come to my room to check on me, my fight or flight kicks in.

I self-harm to get the attention of the staff. Then I just feel sorry for my self afterwards. I cover my windows up so staff must come into my room to check me, I’m doing this before I want their attention, because how else am I meant to get it?

When staff can’t get me up from my room, I’m literally in it all day and all night. That cant be good for anyone’s mental health, can it?

I’m accused of team splitting, but its not fair. I asked a member of staff to help me or support me by getting me something, they may say there busy, or takes them ages because they go and do other things, so I ask another member of staff. They I’m accused of asking different members of staff to team split? I can’t do right for wrong and its frustrating.

Its not as bad as it was before, but I’ve felt staff say and do things to wind me up. They make little digs, and comments that annoy or upset me. Their tone of voice or facial expressions.

I want to progress, I want to be around my peers, I want to be given a chance to be around everyone but so I can manage it. I just feel lost right now.

I don’t get what I can do to prove myself? I want to show I can manage time out of my room, but also manage when I’m struggling and take my self back.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Helen Watkinson, Operational Manager, Rampton National services, Nottinghamshire foundation trust 6 months ago
We have made a change
Helen Watkinson
Operational Manager, Rampton National services,
Nottinghamshire foundation trust
Submitted on 14/03/2024 at 15:32
Published on Care Opinion at 15:44

Having met with you last week and discussing the issues that you have raised I fully appreciate how frustrated you currently feel. During the discussion we explored the various factors that influence how your care is delivered and also acknowledged the progress that you have made.

After our discussion I spoke to one of the Deputy Ward Managers and other members of the team and I can reassure you that they are completely committed to supporting your progress and recovery. The team also acknowledge the impact that the anxiety you describe has, and seek to minimize this.

The ward team and the DRC team will continue to work together to support you to get to as many activities that are meaningful to you as possible.

At our daily staffing meeting we always seek assurance that people who are in LTS are able to access activity. Moving forward I will ensure that this is for the full period of integration and that if this can not be supported we understand why and that you are provided with a full explanation. I have asked the team to report daily on this and I will meet with you over the next few days to review.

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Response from Heidi Bedford, Peer support Worker, Women Services - Rampton Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 6 months ago
Heidi Bedford
Peer support Worker, Women Services - Rampton Hospital,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 14/03/2024 at 22:35
Published on Care Opinion on 15/03/2024 at 09:09

Thank you for dedicating your time to share this with us, and for your transparency. We understand how emotional this will have been to speak up about.

The DRC team and I are committed to working closely with the ward staff to provide you with the necessary support. We hope that moving forward, things will become more clear for you and alleviate some of your anxieties.

Take Care

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