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"I was given so much support & reassurance"

About: Wishaw Locality Support Service / Integrated Rehabilitation Team

(as the patient),

I had a nasty fall which resulted in a fracture at both sides of my pelvis. 

Once I was released from hospital, Kevin & Julie, from the Bellshill Rehab Team, came to assess me (as my mobility was very limited/painful) & supplied me with walking/mobility aids etc, everything I needed to assist my recovery & also advised me best practices on how to use them.

Kevin has also been making weekly visits to check on my progress & suggests relevant exercises to assist my mobility. As I live on my own, the help I've been given from both Kevin & Julie has been invaluable, I really don't know where I would have been without them!

Kevin & Julie are amazing & I'm so grateful that I was given so much support & reassurance when I really needed it.

Kind Regards

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Response from Mark Whitefield, Team Leader, Integrated Rehab Team - Bellshill Locality, NHS Lanarkshire 3 months ago
Mark Whitefield
Team Leader, Integrated Rehab Team - Bellshill Locality,
NHS Lanarkshire

Leads the rehabilitation team in Bellshill, North Lanarkshire

Submitted on 04/03/2024 at 10:22
Published on Care Opinion at 10:22

Hi Izzy100,

Thank you for your kind words to Julie and Kevin, I will make sure they are aware of how they have been able to support you. We are privileged to be able to support you and we thank you for engaging with us. Credit to you aswell for engaging with the support and reassurance to help improve things alongside you.

We wish you all the best in the future and please don't hesitate to contact us again should you feel you require our support again, we are more than happy to support you.

Kind regards,

Mark Whitefield

Team Leader, Bellshill Integrated Rehabilitation Team

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