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"A huge sense of comfort that mum received first class care"

About: Glenrothes Hospital / Rehabilitation & Recovery Victoria Hospital / Admissions Unit 1 (Emergency Medical) Victoria Hospital / Rapid Access and Discharge

(as a relative),

My elderly mum was admitted to Victoria Hospital in November 2023 suffering from dehydration and failing health. After a brief spell in Admissions 1 she was transferred to Ward 9 and she was treated very well by the staff who cared for her. After a week or so she was transferred to Glenrothes Hospital Ward 2 where she was cared for by teams of nursing staff, OT and physios who all tried to help her recover with a developed plan in place to help her get back home if at all possible.

Unfortunately, my mum whilst cheery in the main in spite of her poor health continued to decline over the next 4 weeks and sadly passed on the 1st January 2024.

The staff were great with her and also family members who visited and we received regular updates. Mum was treated with a lot of respect, compassion and dignity.

Mum celebrated her 89th birthday in Ward 2 and the staff made a real fuss of her sharing out a big birthday cake along with the afternoon tea to fellow patients and visitors on the ward. She would tell me how nice the nurses were and how they would spend time chatting with her about family and what she would like - forever asking her if she needed anything - nothing seemed too much trouble.

Prior to going into hospital, my mum had lived really quite independently at home for about 12 years since my dad passed. She had a network of family, friends and neighbours who helped her get by. Her time in Ward 2 at Glenrothes Hospital was not easy for her but she was fortunate to receive excellent care and assistance. The family was also relieved to see the care and respect evident.

Visiting mum on Xmas day it was obvious the staff had made an real effort to make Xmas in hospital as much fun as possible - making us family very welcome. Approaching New Year doctors and nursing staff made us aware that mum's condition was deteriorating and close family members were kept very well informed - we were shown a lot of compassion and consideration as well as coffees and teas (biscuits too) and made to feel very welcome to visit / call at any time.

Our final visit on News Years Day was what we thought to say our goodbye's to mum as we were aware she was drifting off to sleep. Janice called me to let me know of mum's passing and she was very compassionate and this along with the care mum received informs the family she was in very good hands, throughout.

It does provide us with a huge sense of comfort that mum received first class care throughout her time in hospital and right up to the end we all experienced care, compassion and support.

I would like also to thank Lorraine, Senior Staff Nurse for phoning me a few days later to check on the family and ask if there was anything we wanted to ask.

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Response from Lynnette Marshall, Head of Nursing, Community Care Services - Inpatients, NHS Fife 3 months ago
Lynnette Marshall
Head of Nursing, Community Care Services - Inpatients,
NHS Fife
Submitted on 14/02/2024 at 13:19
Published on Care Opinion at 13:19

picture of Lynnette Marshall

Dear dellboydeek 01,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, please accept my sympathies. Thank you for taking the time to provide such kind feedback of your family's experience of your mum's care. The team in ward 2 will be very grateful and moved to read your comments and I will be sure to share with Lorraine and her team.

Once again, many thanks.

Kind regards,


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Response from Lynn Barker, Director of Nursing, HSCP Nursing Directorate, Health & Social Care Partnership 3 months ago
Lynn Barker
Director of Nursing, HSCP Nursing Directorate,
Health & Social Care Partnership
Submitted on 14/02/2024 at 14:13
Published on Care Opinion at 14:13

picture of Lynn Barker

Dear dellboydeek 01,

I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your mum, sending deepest sympathies to you all. Many thanks for taking the time to let us know about your mum's care on Ward 2. Lorraine and the team will be pleased to know about your positive experience about the care they delivered.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to feedback and take care.

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