As a family we have been struggling with my child's sleep.
My child is 2.5yrs old and has never slept through the night.
I spoke with my health visitor regarding this and she referred us to Sleep Scotland.
Lynn came to visit each Friday over 3 weeks and give us lots of advice and techniques to use to help my child sleep through the night. We filled our a sleeping diary and change our routine before our bedding routine. This consisted on an hour of quiet time and no tv.
After putting this routine in place I could see a difference in the first week.
My child now sleep through the night most nights.
Thanks so much Lynn.
"I could see a difference in the first week"
About: Airdrie Locality Support Service / Health Visiting Team Airdrie Locality Support Service Health Visiting Team ML6 9JA Sleep Scotland Sleep Scotland Edinburgh EH8 9NW
Posted by Amandam136 (as ),
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