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"My wife's treatment"

About: Community Mental Health Services / Mental Health Acute Assessment and Treatment Service (MHAATS)

(as a carer),

After the police having to intervene 3 times in a week, MHAATS agreed to actually see my wife, rather than give her bad advice over the phone.

She's diagnosed with cPTSD and BPD, and was told about attempting suicide - we can't stop you making that decision, but if you do you're leaving a legacy for your son, if you take your life, he probably will too. In my view, there is never, ever a good reason to say something like that to anyone.

Aside from that, being told to go to the gym after being pulled from the wrong side of a bridge, and after running from the house in distress with no shoes and only pyjamas on, being told that going for a walk is fine, but she should have taken her phone to save all the drama. 

I'll not even get into the poor service at Woodlands, that can be saved for another post. 

I've found the service absolutely terrible and I could go on! My wife has consistently engaged with services, but the moment she struggles, she's treated like a naughty child! Utterly disgusting, in my view. 

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Response from Ross Cheape, Service Manager for Inpatient, Emergency, Forensic and Perinatal Mental Health Services, NHS Forth Valley 4 months ago
Ross Cheape
Service Manager for Inpatient, Emergency, Forensic and Perinatal Mental Health Services,
NHS Forth Valley
Submitted on 02/02/2024 at 11:22
Published on Care Opinion at 15:17

I'm sorry that your experience of our service has been so poor. I would welcome the opportunity to understand in more detail what went wrong here. Could you link with our patient relations team so that we can get the details and look into your wife's care?

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Update posted by flutesg83 (a carer)

Thank you Ross, can you please give me details of how to contact them? I am just trying to arrange transport to the hospital, finding myself back in the exact same position. My wife is currently there with officers.

Response from Caroline Logan, Person Centred Co-ordinator, Nursing, NHS Forth Valley 3 months ago
Caroline Logan
Person Centred Co-ordinator, Nursing,
NHS Forth Valley
Submitted on 05/02/2024 at 10:31
Published on Care Opinion at 10:31

Dear flutesg83

Thank you for getting in touch following Ross' response. It is obviously a very distressing and emotional time for you and your family right now.

I wondered if you would like to get in touch with myself with your contact details and provide me with information, which I will share with the Team. This will enable them to find out what is happening and more importantly support you and your wife. My contact details are 01324 566162, or alternatively, by e-mail

I hope this is helpful and I look forward to hearing from you.


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