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"My Mum"

About: University Hospital Wishaw / Short Stay Unit University Hospital Wishaw / Spiritual Care/Chaplaincy

(as a relative),

My 79 year old Mum was taken to Wishaw General Hospital with a fractured skull and a brain bleed after a fall at home. We were told to prepare ourselves and she was moved to the Surgical Short Stay Unit under Palliative Care. My Mum is a wee fighter though and today, we are discussing the Care package to allow her to get home with rehab support, having made the most amazing recovery.

It is impossible for us to say just how wonderful the staff are in the Surgical Short Stay Unit and also the Rev. Harry of the Spiritual Care & Wellbeing Team at Wishaw General Hospital and the support and care they have given not only to my Mum but also the family. 

While caring for my Mum, they also cared for our Dad, my sister & her husband,  my daughters, my nephew and myself. They held my hand as I cried in the early hours of the morning beside my Mum's bedside. They answered all of our silly questions and listened to all of our silly stories. When Mum turned a corner and started to show improvement, they celebrated every small success and were the best cheerleaders my Mum could have.

The staff in the Short Stay Surgical Unit represent everything that is truly great about the NHS and each and every one of them is a credit to Wishaw General, NHS Lanarkshire and NHS Scotland. Because of them, I got to hear my Mum say my name again and to plan what she will wear to my daughter's wedding later this year.

Harry was amazing - he was with us every step of the way and has been wonderful with  Mum, helping her to make sense of what has happened and listening to her fears and concerns. Since talking to him, Mum's confidence has vastly improved and she is now so positive about the future.

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Response from Jennifer Montgomery, Improvement Coordinator, Quality Directorate, NHS Lanarkshire 4 months ago
Jennifer Montgomery
Improvement Coordinator, Quality Directorate,
NHS Lanarkshire

Operational Lead for Care Opinion in NHS Lanarkshire

Submitted on 29/01/2024 at 17:23
Published on Care Opinion at 17:23

picture of Jennifer Montgomery

Dear scoreboarddp58,

Thank you for sharing your experience of University Hospital Wishaw, short stay unit and chaplaincy.

Your story gave me goose bumps! I am so pleased to hear that your mum has made a recovery and is well enough to go home after what must have been such a frightening time for both your mum and your family. I am delighted to hear that you were all well supported by Rev Harry and the clinical staff. What a touching and personal approach to care from everyone involved.

I have ensure that your story has been passed onto the whole team in the short stay unit as well as passing this on to the spiritual care team to thank Harry for his support too. I am sure they will all be very pleased to hear how their efforts contributed to such a positive experience for your whole family.

I hope your mum continues to improve at home.

Kind Regards,


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