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"Calm, knowledgeable and patient cardiac rehab team"

About: Cardiology / Cardiac Rehabilitation

(as a relative),

My husband had a heart attack in January 2023. Subsequent to his hospital experience (already fed back positively via Care Opinion) he met and was supported by members of the NHS Tayside outpatient Cardiology team, particularly nurse Aimee and physiotherapist Keri.

My husband made a good start to his recovery but suffered a fairly significant set back in March 2023. Particularly since then, we feel the level of care extended towards us both by Aimee and Keri has been exceptional. He struggled with various frightening symptoms at that time and in the following several months, and this included heart-related symptoms as well as significant health related anxiety.

It seemed to us as if Aimee and Keri were always available as required. Super knowledgeable, they remained calm and patiently listened to e.g. symptoms and changes (at times more than once I'm sure) and they always responded with clearly understandable information, allaying ongoing fears.

Aimee also supported GPs in relation to my husband's ongoing care, including medication tweaking and similar, and was highly proactive in doing so. Keri continues to support his rehab and has been instrumental in improving his fitness level as well as providing crucial support towards him reducing and managing anxiety. She has also ensured he is linked in with local fitness services.

We are very grateful to Aimee and Keri who always followed up after any concerns/contact leaving us both feeling reassured, supported and cared about. They also made sure my husband was referred for appropriate psychological support.

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Response from Fiona Kennedy, Acting Senior Nurse, Clinical Care Group 2, NHS Tayside 4 months ago
Fiona Kennedy
Acting Senior Nurse, Clinical Care Group 2,
NHS Tayside
Submitted on 22/01/2024 at 16:21
Published on Care Opinion at 16:21

Dear Sussc44,

Thank you for taking the time to post your experience and alert us to the great care and support you have experienced recently. I am delighted to hear that you have felt supported ever since your husband's initial event and have found the most recent care to be the same positive experience.

I shall make sure this feedback is shared with the teams involved and hope that your husband continues to improve over the coming weeks and months.

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Response from Fiona Brownlie, Physiotherapist, Cardiac Rehabilitation, NHS Tayside 4 months ago
Fiona Brownlie
Physiotherapist, Cardiac Rehabilitation,
NHS Tayside
Submitted on 23/01/2024 at 16:54
Published on Care Opinion at 17:17

Dear Sussc44

On behalf of the Cardiac Rehabilitation team thank you for taking the time to share your story. I have shared this with Keri and Aimee, along with the rest of our team and we value your feedback.

I am delighted to hear your positive experience and thank you for your kind words about the treatment and care Keri and Aimee provided.

We are happy we have been able to support your husband in his recovery and wish him well with his continued recovery.

Best wishes,

Fiona Brownlie

Team Lead Physiotherapist (Cardiac Rehabilitation)

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