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"Mother's treatment and system processes"

About: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / Emergency Medicine

(as a carer),

Raging and disappointed does not come close!!

My mother is in her 70s and has just been sent home for the second time from A&E in 24 hours following falls! This is not the first time. She was previously taken to A&E following a fall and back pain. This was after her fifth fall in six days!! She lives alone, has all the equipment required from OT and Physio, however continues to fall!

The physio/ OT who assessed her advised she is deemed very high risk of falls and suggested she should be admitted for rehab. At that point my mother said no but we managed to persuade her that she would be better if she stayed as she would be safe. I advised the staff of her change of mind and was informed they would speak to the consultant.

3 hours later we were advised that mum could go home. Reason being there was no beds! I get the pressures that the NHS is under, I work for the NHS myself so completely understand. However my family have never abused the system and have never taken advantage. I am so disappointed at her time of need she is sent home despite her being unsafe and in need of rehab!

I have raised my concerns to the department and feel we as a family are waiting for her to have a catastrophic fall for her to be taken seriously! I know that the department is not at fault and they do the best they can with what they have, however for every decision made there is a patient at the end of it! Very much aware it is a higher problem that needs rectified and I will be contacting my MP. However, this does not help a family who are concerned about their mother!!

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Response from Julie Wattie, Nurse Manager, Medicine 1 (Medicine and Unscheduled Care Division), NHS Grampian 5 months ago
Julie Wattie
Nurse Manager, Medicine 1 (Medicine and Unscheduled Care Division),
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 23/12/2023 at 14:29
Published on Care Opinion at 14:29

Dear Frustrated daughter!,

I am so sorry to read about you and your Mother's experience. If you would like to contact me at julie, I can look in to this further.



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