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"Feel like I'm not being taken seriously"

About: General practices in Lanarkshire New Stobhill Hospital / Gynaecology Clinic New Stobhill Hospital / Xray and Scans The Princess Royal Maternity Unit / Gynaecology

(as the patient),

I have been going to my GP for 7 years trying to get someone to take my pelvic pain seriously. I was constantly sent away with ibuprofen and being told a hot water bottle would help. I was then told the contraceptive pill would help while they referred me to gynaecology. Again, after waiting months and then over a year for hospital appointments, I felt I was dismissed with nothing showing in my scans, even though I had came prepared with a symptom diary showing how insufferable my pain consistently was.

Since covid, I have now had all gynaecologist appointment via video call and had to insist on a face-to-face most recently which has now been pushed back by 5 months to review an ultrasound scan that I had. Only within the last 6 months had a guest GP taken my pain seriously and issued me with appropriate prescription pain killers, previously I was having to spend £8 per week on maximum strength OTC pain killers that still didn’t touch my pain.

I’ve asked numerous times to be treated by a female doctor. I had my appointment letters with female doctor names sent out to me, only to show up to my appointments faced with a male doctor. Who was I to reject this after waiting 8 months for this 10 minute appointment?  But my next appointments were then also with male doctors which made me extremely uncomfortable. I had to push my gynaecologist to be put onto the waiting list for a diagnostic laparoscopy, which I feel they couldn’t have tried to put me off more if they'd tried.

In my view, the whole NHS is a joke at this point and women's period pains are not being taken anywhere near as seriously as they should be. It’s constant dismissal from pain that is impacting our lives severely. I’m sure my experience isn’t the only one in a long list of - hopefully not disastrous - mistakes made by my doctors. So here I am. 7 years into asking for help and I still have no definitive answer as to why my period pain causes me to vomit, miss days from work, double over in pain and prevent me from moving. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Nikki Harvey, Lead nurse -Gynaecology, Gynaecology, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 5 months ago
Nikki Harvey
Lead nurse -Gynaecology, Gynaecology,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 29/12/2023 at 09:02
Published on Care Opinion at 09:02

picture of Nikki Harvey

Dear Geo99

I'm so sorry to hear that this is your experience.

Can you contact me on the e-mail below for me to look in to this further for you?

Kind regards,

Nikki Harvey

Interim Lead Nurse Gynaecology/ACS

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Jennifer Montgomery, Improvement Coordinator, Quality Directorate, NHS Lanarkshire 5 months ago
Jennifer Montgomery
Improvement Coordinator, Quality Directorate,
NHS Lanarkshire

Operational Lead for Care Opinion in NHS Lanarkshire

Submitted on 01/01/2024 at 23:54
Published on Care Opinion at 23:54

picture of Jennifer Montgomery

Dear Geo99,

Thank you for sharing your experience on Care Opinion of your GP.

I am sorry to hear how long it has taken you to have your pain investigated and for a second GP to reassess the pain medication you were on. This is certainly not the experience we want our patients to have and we are always looking to improve. GP’s are independent contractors and are responsible for investigating and responding to any concerns a person may have about the service; they are not registered to respond directly to feedback through Care Opinion. Can I please invite you to contact the Practice Manager if you would like a direct response about the service or you can also contact Primary Care Patient Affairs, I have included their contact details.

Tel no. 01698 752800 Option 2

Kind Regards,


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