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"Post Covid respiratory Service"

About: Southern Health & Social Care Trust / Post Covid Syndrome Service

(as a service user),

Following COVID-19 2021, I have been struggling with fatigue, brain fog, joint pains and breathing difficulties.  Along with my main work, I was a Retained Firefighter and have been unable to work in the Fire and rescue service since contracting COVID.  Since developing post covid, it has affected my ability to lead an active life.

Emma and Sarah were very good at presenting the course and keeping everyone involved. The only part of the course for me that wasn’t relevant was the anxiety part. There was nothing wrong with it or how it was presented, but it wasn’t relevant to me. I am a doing kind of person; I’d rather focus on doing things to get better than worry about not getting better. I’m sure for others it was helpful.

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Response from Anne Marie Campbell, Service Team Lead Community Respiratory Teams (Interim) SHSCT, Adult Community Services, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 5 months ago
Anne Marie Campbell
Service Team Lead Community Respiratory Teams (Interim) SHSCT, Adult Community Services,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust

Community Respiratory HOSAR home oxygen assessment and review clinics SHSCT Resp Physio Community Clinics Other resp team community clinics Pulmonary rehabilitation Post covid services for Pulmonary rehab and post covid dysfunctional breathing physio specific clinics

Submitted on 02/01/2024 at 12:30
Published on Care Opinion at 12:30

picture of Anne Marie Campbell

Hello Dave

Thankyou for your very kind feedback, I will happily pass this onto Emma and Sarah. I am sorry to hear that covid has had such an impact on your life, as it has for many others. The course does run with a set educational structure to cover all the common issues people have post covid though we are aware one size does not fit all. Being a really motivated person I really do hope this is just the beginning for your recovery journey and that in time you get back to doing all you love.

thanks again

Anne-Marie Campbell

Interim Service Lead Community Respiratory Team

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