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"Making bloods bearable for someone who hates needles!"

About: New Stobhill Hospital / Outpatients

(as a service user),

Some people are just not good with needles - I'm one of them.

At present I am in a position where I do need to have bloods done from time to time.  I completely understand why this needs to happen and am actually grateful as I know this is a way of keeping track of my health.

That said it still isn't exactly a fun experience (not sure anybody actually enjoys having a needle pushed into their arm!).

I have gone to New Stobhil Hospital for this - all the staff are great but one nurse in particular - Karen - has been fab. 

She is welcoming and funny and she makes every effort (going out of her way) to ensure that the visits I have to make are as easy and stress free as is humanly possible.

Cannot thank her enough for all the efforts she makes to ensure things go well

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Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 6 months ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 07/12/2023 at 09:17
Published on Care Opinion at 09:17

picture of Nicole McInally

Dear NotAFanOfNeedles

Thank you for sharing your feedback on Care Opinion.

I am pleased we were able to make you feel a bit more at ease, it can be an anxious time attending hospital and especially if you have a fear of needles which we totally understand. I am so pleased to hear that the staff have been great, especially Karen. Karen will be delighted to hear that she has made your appointments are easy and stress free!

Best wishes


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