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"Routine Checkup"

About: Barnstaple Health Centre / Barnstaple Sexual Health

(as a service user),

My nurse was very good and my treatment was fast and well informed. I do however, have some concerns around the questions asked on the forms they completed.

Firstly, previous unwanted sexual activity (or assault) was asked about, to which I confirmed that this had been the case in my previous experience. I understand the need to ask, however, the response I received I perceived as quite judgmental in the fact that I had not had police involved in my circumstance. It is not anyone’s place to tell me whether or not this was the correct decision to make, especially a stranger (all be it I knew her name) years later after the fact. I felt this unnecessary.

Secondly, the form asks whether I took part in anal sex. Although I again understand the need for this question, the tone with which it was asked made me feel that my nurse disagreed with this act. I answered truthfully but I feel that other patients who do perform anal sex would be afraid of saying so in fear of being treated differently- therefore impacting their health as they may not get the full treatment they need. Anal sex is a healthy and common form of sexual expression and it should not be treated as something dirty, especially by sexual health experts.

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Response from Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 5 months ago
Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 19/12/2023 at 13:57
Published on Care Opinion at 13:57

Dear Learningcc87

My name is Heather and I am the Senior Nurse at Barnstaple Sexual Health Centre. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to leave such open and honest feedback.

I am sorry to hear that during your recent appointment you felt the tone of questioning was judgmental, this is not what we would wish for. As you point out this could impact on the answers we receive and subsequent treatment.

I have shared your feedback with all of the team. Feedback such as this is essential for continuous improvement, we wish to create an atmosphere that is positive and supportive to all of our patients.

On a positive note, I am glad to hear that your nurse was very good and your treatment was fast and well informed.

Thank you again for taking the time to leave feedback.

Kind regards


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