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"Emerald Team carried out their job in a professional manner"

About: Continuity of Midwifery Carer Service / Emerald Team Craigavon Area Hospital / Maternity care Maternity care / Delivery suite Maternity care / Maternity Admission/Assessment Unit

(as the patient),

Expecting my second little one and was offered to be on team Emerald continuity of Midwifery care. What a team of midwives. A great bunch of girls and was great to have formed a bond with Gillian who was my main Midwife. Gillian is a fantastic midwife and knows her stuff. She provided me with loads of information and went the extra mile when I had a few questions that she had not came across before.

I attended one of the meet the team mornings and it was great to get chatting to other expecting mums and also to meet other midwives that were on the team. I feel this is an excellent way to get to know others who are on the team in case your main Midwife isn't on duty when you go into labour. I had a couple of home visits Anti-natal which Gillian carried out and I thought this was lovely as it was in the comfort if your own home.

One of the visit my oldest was off school and he was able to hear the heart beat which I thought was a very special moment as if all appointments were carried out in the hospital my son wouldn't have had the chance to hear the heartbeat. 

Another midwife that I had formed a bond with was Vicky. Again she carried out her job in a professional manner and she went that extra mile when she carried out reflexology which was lovely to get done. 

When in the assessment unit the girls were very good. The lovely Lee-Ann (Student Midwife) was assessing me. I know Lee-Ann outside of CAH and before starting she asked if I was ok with her assessing me. I had no rejections and found it more relaxing as it was someone I knew. I wish her all the best with her training and she will be a brilliant Midwife when he graduates.

During labour I had the lovely Rebecca who is also a fantastic midwife she. She was due to finish her shift but stayed as I was very close to giving birth. I feel that was so lovely of her as she had been with me all day.

The lovely Briege took over from Rebecca and she too is fantastic at her job. Both girls couldn't have been more professional and helpful. After giving birth to our beautiful baby girl Charlotte I had to have a couple of stitches. I was very nervous about this as with my 1st I had to get stitches and it was an awful experience. However, Briege was brilliant and I hardly knew she was working on me. 

When I was discharged from hospital and had visits at home I had Briege and Rebecca visit us and again carried out their job very professionally. 

Overall my experience was very good and hope that the Continuity of Midwifery Care is carried out through out the whole of Northern Ireland as I feel its the way forward as you are able to form a bond with a small number of midwives and it is less stressful as you know you will have a familiar face at your appointments and when going through Labour. 

Unfortunately Gillian was off on annual leave when I went into labour and also post-natal before I was discharged to my health visitor so she never got to meet my baby. However she did go out of her way to message me after my baby was born and also give me a call to Congratulate me and to wish me all the best. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Maria Garvey, Lead Midwife COMC / Antenatal clinic CAH, Maternity Unit CAH, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 6 months ago
Maria Garvey
Lead Midwife COMC / Antenatal clinic CAH, Maternity Unit CAH,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust

Lead Midwife for Continuity of Midwifery Carer (CoMC)/ Antenatal Outpatients Dept (ANOPD/Day Obstetric Unit (DOU)

Submitted on 30/11/2023 at 18:30
Published on Care Opinion at 18:30

picture of Maria Garvey

Good evening

Thank you so much for your lovely words.

As Lead for Continuity of Midwifery Carer (CoMC) I am delighted with such positive feedback.

I will personally ensure your story is shared with Gillian, Vicky, Lee-Ann, Rebecca and Briege.

Thank you

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