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"A positive bundle of energy"

About: Community Therapy Services / Rushcliffe Community Therapy

(as a service user),

My recovery rehabilitation commenced just two weeks after I arrived home from hospital following a hip repair to my right hip. At that point, I could only get about my home using a frame walker and shuffled rather than walking.

My physio Lynn was a positive bundle of energy , who from the beginning set me some challenges as to how my rehab would be performed. At all times she was realistic. In the goals she set me but coupled that with encouragement and support.

Whenever I failed a challenge or couldn’t complete the task, Lynn would always be enabling with no criticism. I felt I could and did trust her judgment completely as to what was possible for me to achieve

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Response from Helen Hallam, Head of Service, Community Therapy Services, Community Health Services 7 months ago
Helen Hallam
Head of Service, Community Therapy Services,
Community Health Services
Submitted on 02/11/2023 at 15:08
Published on Care Opinion at 15:08

Fantastic news and thankyou for submitting your feedback. I'll definitely let Lynn know that you have made these comments.

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