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"Care from the Royal Infirmary Glasgow"

About: Glasgow Royal Infirmary / Accident & Emergency Scottish Ambulance Service / Emergency Ambulance

(as the patient),

I became incredibly ill in mid December 2022. I wasn't feeling well when we got the train from Eastbourne to Glasgow and by the time we got to Glasgow I was really peely-wally. I had left my purse in Eastbourne, which had my medicine in it. When we got to Glasgow I got some paracetamol on the way to the hotel. Sometime during the early hours I woke with violent shivers and was unable to fully wake. Around 0400 I finally woke enough to wake my husband and tell him I needed a doctor. I couldn't breath. It took 5 hours for the ambulance to get to the hotel. I had a fever of 40C, ataxic (wobbly), and having a great deal of difficulty breathing. One of the ambulance drivers asked if I'd ever had COVID... I hadn't. They stated that I did now. I was a bit miffed at that statement as I have a great deal of medical knowledge.

The crew that picked me up was very good at keeping my spirits up and I was taken to the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow. I sat in the hall on a gurney for several hours. Someone came and took labs at some point. Eventually I was taken in to the A & E and put into a bed. I wasn't told anything until someone came in and told me I couldn't use the restroom (I had to go rather urgently). I had to argue with the person who eventually told me I had a communicable disease: Influenza A and they didn't want me using communal areas. They also said they would get me a bed pan. It took 40 minutes to get a bedpan... I was really lucky I didn't soil the sheets and was very uncomfortable for the entire time. It also took quite a long time for anyone to take the rather malodorous pan away. 

Eventually I was taken to a ward in a private room. I was, again, left alone for quite a while. Eventually a doctor came to speak with me. I was also brought some food (around 6pm). The rest of my stay was really great. I had a really bad accident on the way to the loo and all over the loo. The staff who answered my bell were awesome. They had everything cleaned up in record time, made sure I wasn't dirty, and gave me supplies in case I had another incident. The next morning a staff member showed up and asked if I'd like to freshen up and supplied me with a towel and soap. They made sure I was able to sort the shower without assistance. 

The doctor checked on me, explained all that was going on and the rest of the day and night was rather uneventful. The doctor came in the next morning to see me.. and because of where we live, the in coming weather front, and my diseases... they decided that, although it would be better for me to stay in hospital a few more days, they thought it prudent to send me home so we could actually get there. As it ended up, they were absolutely right. If we hadn't left the next day, we wouldn't have been able to get home for at least a week. 

All in all this was a very good experience. The biggest issues were because of the overwhelmed NHS staff and ambulance services. Everyone did the best they could. Yes, some of the bits were not handled as well as could be, yes, the diagnosis of the ambulance driver peeved me off.. especially when it turned out I did not have COVID... and still haven't almost a year later... however, I was taken care of and treated with dignity I never would have experienced in the US. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from David King, Patient Experience Coordinator, Corporate Affairs, Scottish Ambulance Service 7 months ago
David King
Patient Experience Coordinator, Corporate Affairs,
Scottish Ambulance Service
Submitted on 31/10/2023 at 09:54
Published on Care Opinion at 09:54

Dear Redsonja

Thank you for sharing your story.

It must have been a very worrying time for you and I am glad that you are reasonably satisfied with the care you received.

If you would like me to have the delayed ambulance response and the crew member's attitude investigated may I ask that you contact our Patient Experience Team at with your name, Care Opinion name, address & telephone number, and the address and date we attended.

I do hope you are fully recovered now.

Kindest regards


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Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 7 months ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 02/11/2023 at 10:10
Published on Care Opinion at 10:10

picture of Nicole McInally

Dear Redsonja

Thank you for taking the time to share your story via Care Opinion.

I apologise for the delays in the department and for the upset and distress this has caused. Our A&E Departments are incredibly busy and our patients are having to wait longer than we would like. I am glad that the rest of your stay went well and that you were able to get home safely.

I would like to reassure you that we take all feedback seriously and we will use your feedback to help improve the service we provide to our patients.

Take Care


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