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"Womens Breast Clinic"

About: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / Breast Services

(as a service user),

I've been referred to the Breast Clinic in Aberdeen by my GP after finding a lump and skin indentation in my breast.  I was referred back, and advised by the GP to call them if I hadn't heard anything within 4 four weeks (even a letter to say I was on a waiting list)  I didn't and called the GP, who chased it up and advised me they had received my referral and I was on a list.

I received a call from the breast clinic to say it will be into December before I will be offered an appointment now, but I could go to Larbert Hospital in Falkirk to be seen, which would have been okay, but I was then advised that I needed to be aware if I did that then any future treatment arising from the assessment would also need to be done in Falkirk!  Depending on any treatment I cannot go backwards and forwards to Falkirk for an undetermined amount of time.

I realise the pressures the NHS are under but we keep seeing all these notices saying you should check yourself regularly and if you notice anything get to your GP quickly as time is important, yet you do that and here is I for example having to wait 3 months to be seen by someone.  You've really got to hope that whatever you have found is nothing sinister.and waiting 3 months hasn't made it worse.  The impact on your mental health isn't great either as you worry about what it is and what the possible outcome could be.

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Response from Lynne Smith, Unit Operational Manager, Women's Services, NHS Grampian 6 months ago
Lynne Smith
Unit Operational Manager, Women's Services,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 05/12/2023 at 12:22
Published on Care Opinion at 12:22

Good morning and thank you for posting your feedback.

Unfortunately we are currently experiencing longer waits for our breast patients than we would wish. As you have mentioned due to this, we are offering patients an appointment outwith of Grampian, but we appreciate that this is not ideal for some patients, due to individual circumstances.

We are looking at plan to increase the capacity across Grampian to allow us to reduce the length of wait that our patients are experiencing.

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