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"Postpartum Pshychosis"

About: Community Mental Health Services St John's Hospital / Mental Health Mother and Baby Unit

(as a service user),

When my little boy was born I experienced Post Partum Psychosis (PPP) which effects 1 in 1000 women. When my little boy was 10 days old I went to A&E as we knew something wasn’t right. I was convinced that I was going to die and I was starting to lose touch with reality and felt like I couldn’t trust anyone which was all part of the PPP.  

Thankfully there was a space in the Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) at St Johns where I stayed for one month and received amazing care to get better and got to stay with my son the whole time. I will forever be thankful for the amazing care that our family received in the MBU when we were at our most vulnerable. I was so lucky to get a space and wish there were more beds available for mums with their babies. 

When I was discharged I still had a long way to go. I found it very hard not being allowed to drive for three months and felt I had lost all confidence and didn’t know who I was anymore. I struggled being on medication feeling that it made me feel very detached but with the help from my CPN we were able to reduce the dose gradually and start to normalise the thoughts that I was having.

Having the follow on care from the CPN and the flexibility of seeing you at home, telephone calls or at the hospital really was reassuring and so helpful.  Thankfully almost a year on I have now been completely discharged and enjoying life with my beautiful family and appreciating the small things in life.

I will always be very grateful for all the staff at Forth Valley and for the MBU at St John’s.

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Response from George Ball, Business Manager, Royal Edinburgh & Associated Services, NHS Lothian 8 months ago
George Ball
Business Manager, Royal Edinburgh & Associated Services,
NHS Lothian
Submitted on 10/10/2023 at 13:06
Published on Care Opinion at 13:19

Dear Lionjp59,

Thank you for your sharing your story and experience with us.

Your feedback has been shared with our team at MBU and it is lovely to read how you got the hep you needed at the right time.

It is great to hear the progress you have made and the team at Livingston MBU wish you and your son all the very best.

Kindest Regards.

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Response from Mary Straub, Lead ANP for Perinatal Services, NHS Forth Valley 8 months ago
Mary Straub
Lead ANP for Perinatal Services,
NHS Forth Valley
Submitted on 16/10/2023 at 14:44
Published on Care Opinion at 14:49

Thank you for taking the time to talk about your experiences and highlight the support you recieved from the perinatal CPN team. I am sure they will appreciate your kind words.

I wish you well in your recovery journey.

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Response from Mariska Vernon-Stroud, Patient Experience Team Lead, Patient Experience Team, NHS Lothian 8 months ago
Mariska Vernon-Stroud
Patient Experience Team Lead, Patient Experience Team,
NHS Lothian

I gather feedback from patients to recognise good practise and supporting improving services in NHS Lothian.

Submitted on 16/10/2023 at 15:18
Published on Care Opinion at 16:34

Dear lionjp59,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story on Care Opinion, I have been so touched by your bravery to share your experience. It is so encouraging to hear how the support you received from both Forth Valley and the Mother and Baby Unit at St John’s is enabling you to enjoy life with your beautiful family.

At NHS Lothian we are keen to hear more patients’ stories to enable us to learn from what went well, as well as any areas for improvement. We are doing this through a variety of formats, and I am wondering if you would be willing to speak with myself at the Patient Experience Team so I can hear more of the details of your story and how we can learn from this. I can be contacted by email by (, and it would be helpful if you can reference Care Opinion in your message.

Kind regards,


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