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"Waiting for surgery"

About: General Practices in D&G Western General Hospital / Urology

(as the patient),

Last year I went to my GP with bloating and lower back ache. I'd been suffering for a few weeks and not feeling well with it.  My GP discovered I had a urine infection.  I was therefore treated with antibiotics.  Within weeks the symptoms were back and again - more antibiotics.  This has carried on each and every month ever since.  

After my 4th or 5th contact with my GP, they wanted to refer me to have this investigated as there was blood in the urine.  However, one of the other GPs stepped in and refused and told me to take more antibiotics.  This came about after me putting in a complaint as I was getting nowhere and phoning week in week out due to the GP who had been dealing with me being on leave and the other not checking my notes.

I was therefore given more antibiotics.

This went on and on and on until finally I got a face to face appointment with yet another GP and practically begged to have the matter looked into.

Finally I was sent for a ultrasound of my kidneys.  At the ultrasound I was told - no wonder you are in pain!  I had a big stone in my left kidney.

I was therefore sent for a CT scan and x-rays.

I then received an appointment to meet with someone in Dumfries.

At this appointment I was advised I have a staghorn kidney stone and that I will require surgery.  I was told I have likely had the stone for many many years.

Since this appointment I have required more antibiotics.....

Eventually Edinburgh got in touch with me and I was told more about the procedure etc but then was advised the waiting time for surgery is 6 to 12 months.  I explained that I am about to go for my final round of IVF and I was advised it was not the best idea to try and get pregnant at this time.  However, they said they would try and expedite me because of this.

I have now had a laparoscopy which found some old endometriosis which has been cauterised and my fallopian tubes were flushed.  It appears as though one of the tubes has a blockage.  I was told after this procedure that because I've had this that I should get on with the IVF/trying for a baby.

I have phoned to explain this to Edinburgh but they do not seem interested.

I have been living with the pain and symptoms caused by this kidney stone for almost a year, have had 10 or 11 antibiotics and am still unwell and currently awaiting a call from the Nurse - which no doubt will result in more antibiotics.  I'm having to take strong pain killers every day/night to get through my day.  I'm having a lot of time off work because of this and also now it's holding up my life as i'm being told I shouldn't try to get pregnant.

I'm at the end of my tether.  

I do not see how it is acceptable to expect me to wait a further 6 to 12 months for surgery when I'm having so many infections and requiring so many medications.  The IVF/family planning is obviously not a cause for urgency in some people's eyes, but it is mine.  I'm not getting any younger and I waited 1 year and 9 months for the laparoscopy which has already held the IVF up.  I've had enough. I feel like  something needs to be done.  I need my surgery so I can finally get back to a normal life!

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Ana Mezzomo, Patient Experience Officer, Patient Experience Team, NHS Lothian 8 months ago
Ana Mezzomo
Patient Experience Officer, Patient Experience Team,
NHS Lothian
Submitted on 22/09/2023 at 16:37
Published on Care Opinion at 16:37

Dear Nikben20,

My name is Ana and I work for the Patient Experience Team at NHS Lothian.

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. I am so sorry to hear that you have been living with the pain and symptoms caused by a kidney stone for almost a year and how much disruption this has been causing to your life.

We would appreciate an opportunity to look into your situation further and provide you with a detailed response. May I please ask you to contact the Patient Experience Team to provide your personal details, either by email at or by telephone 0131 536 3370 (lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm). We would be grateful if you could please make reference to this story on Care Opinion.

Once again, thank you for sharing your feedback with us.

Best wishes,

Ana Mezzomo

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