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"My pills"

About: The Riverside Practice

(as other),

I'm so unhappy because this is the second time now I call up two days before my pills run out and when they turn up I don't have all my pills and i need them all plus for the second time now my pills don't turn up till 8.30pm and I need them for the morning.

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Response from Rajiv Goel, GP, The Riverside Practice, The Riverside Practice 9 months ago
Rajiv Goel
GP, The Riverside Practice,
The Riverside Practice

GP in charge

Submitted on 27/08/2023 at 16:55
Published on Care Opinion at 16:55

I am sorry to hear about your difficulty ordering your medication.

Some medications need monitoring checks to be done before they can be safely prescribed so in order to avoid any delays in receiving your medication we advise ordering well in advance by 7 days.

Examples include contraception, drugs requiring blood monitoring and some psychiatric medications.

Please contact the practice manager, Mrs Khan who can help you with your query by:


Tel: 0208 806 1928


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