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"She has rebuilt my confidence"

About: Community Therapy Services / Bassetlaw Community Therapy Scunthorpe General Hospital

(as a service user),

After an accident I had in April, I was taken to a hospital. There I had an operation for a surgical fixation for a left distal femoral fracture. I had a plate and screws inserted from my thigh to my knee and was instructed not to weight bear at all. I was discharged in mid-April. 

I returned to the hospital after 8 weeks for an x-ray to check on the healing process of the injury and this is an ongoing process. 

In June, I received an appointment with a Physiotherapist at Scunthorpe Hospital. I had not put any weight on my leg up until this point. This appointment didn't go well - I was hurt, resulting in tears, distress and my confidence being knocked both physically and mentally. The journey to the hospital was long which contributed to the stress. I couldn't move for 6 days after this session. I haven't seen this physio again. 

I then met with a community OT called Carrie, who was really good. Carrie helped me sort a lot of things out and recommended a community physio called Debbie. Debbie has done wonders! She has rebuilt my confidence, got me moving using a frame and crutches, and those around me have noticed the change her support has made. I have come on in leaps and bounds. I want to thank Carrie for setting me up with Debbie. (I no longer see Carrie).

Debbie still comes to support me every 2 weeks and does me a power of good. 

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Response from Miranda Walsh, Team Leader, Bassetlaw Urgent Community Response Team and Bassetlaw Community Therapy Team, Community Health Services 9 months ago
Miranda Walsh
Team Leader, Bassetlaw Urgent Community Response Team and Bassetlaw Community Therapy Team,
Community Health Services
Submitted on 18/08/2023 at 11:21
Published on Care Opinion at 11:21

Dear arbqd47

Thank you for your extremely nice feedback about our team. I am glad that the support and advice that Carrie and Debbie provided helped you to rebuild your confidence.

I will pass on your comments to the team and make sure I feedback all your kind words to Carrie and Debbie.

Kind regards,

Miranda Walsh

Team lead UCR and Therapy Bassetlaw

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Response from Jo Loughborough, Senior Nurse, Patient Experience, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust 9 months ago
Jo Loughborough
Senior Nurse, Patient Experience,
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 25/08/2023 at 09:08
Published on Care Opinion at 09:08

Good morning,

We're extremely sorry to hear of your experience regarding the Physiotherapist at Scunthorpe General Hospital. We would really welcome having the opportunity to look into what happened and respond to the points you have raised.

To enable us to investigate this further we need more detail about you and some way of contacting you. Please call 03033 306518 or email: and we will do all we can to help.

Kind regards

Jo Loughborough

Lead Nurse Patient Experience

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust

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