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"To feel confident I may need to relocate"

About: Altnagelvin Area Hospital / Cardiology Northern Ireland Ambulance Service / Emergency ambulance response South West Acute Hospital / Cardiac unit South West Acute Hospital / Emergency Care and Medicine Services South West Acute Hospital / Our Hearts Our Minds South West Acute Hospital / Radiology

(as a service user),

We had a plan to spend some time on the south east coast of England. I wasn’t well and this plan didn’t happen. I went to Ennskillen hospital. I Saw staff who said take a seat and I was seen within 10 minutes. I was taken into a room by a young nurse for tests/checks. I could tell the nurse was a little bit uncomfortable. She completed the tests, removed the wires and repeated the tests. She got the results and went to fetch a colleague. Some colleagues came in and asked me to move into the full A & E dept and sit on a chair. Then the initial nurse came along, took one look at me and went to consult a colleague and it all ‘kicked off’ it happened quickly, I was wired up again and had an injection. The results were taken away to someone else.

Next thing a Dr came in who had these results and said they’d been in touch with cardiovascular at Londonderry and said they wanted to see me. I naively thought that I would be given a tablet and then get a call from the department in this hospital to see them in a few weeks’ time. This wasn’t the case at all.

Within 10 minutes 2 ambulance drivers were there, they put me on a stretch and took me on the 70 mile trip to Londonderry with the blue lights, which was horrendous. As soon as I arrived they wheeled me into a room-I have never seen anything like this in my life before. I didn’t know what had been injected into me. I was straight in and a whole team off nurses and appropriate people were there. They explained they would strip me off and clean me and they were going to put in a stent. They said initially they thought the procedure would be 15/20 mins. I’d lost track of time-but it actually took approximately 45 mins. They were doing this in front a TV screen and they showed me the results before and afterwards and then I was taken to ward where they monitored me throughout the night and then in the morning they explained I need further tests. I needed an ultrasound but this would be done in Ennskillen. Within a short time I was taken back to Ennskillen and put on another ward and made to be comfortable. Then I was taken for the ultrasound test and returned to the wards afterwards and released to go home-all in fewer than 36 hours.

Upon release, I was contacted by a nurse from a system called Hearts and Minds- I had no idea what this was, but basically what happened was they were monitoring me and my aftercare upon release in conjunction with my Dr. On a daily basis, I had to blood pressure tests, regular weight checks and they also wanted to know my chest measurements. They give a lot of advice on foods to eat and avoid and there was a lot of literature to advise on what to do and what not do in terms of diet and exercise and how to increase this.

On average they have contacted me twice a week and given me advice on and monitor the medication I am and advise my Dr on what tablets need to be changed to give them the results for blood reading that they want. It seems that some of the tablets can affect my kidneys and this is the reason they are doing the blood tests. So far all I can say is that the service I got form initial contact in Ennskillen and the way the relevant ambulance people and everyone throughout this time has been absolutely superb. I cannot fault anyone for anything whatsoever. Basically they saved my life.

Now onto concerns for the future. I am getting older, and somewhere along the lines my medical needs are going to change-a certain amount of things can be done in Ennskillen but some departments in Ennskillen are closing down. Some of the departments are closing and there’s further closures planned for the future. Based on this, I am seriously considering selling my house in Ennskillen and moving to another part of Northen Ireland or even moving back to south coast of England. Hypothetically, if I was to be living in Worthing and go to A&E who couldn’t manage-bigger hospitals within 20 miles could manage this. Public transport would also be better than if between Ennskillen and Belfast. To feel confident I may need to relocate.

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Response from Ruairi Cummings, Graduate Intern, Quality & Safety Improvement, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service 10 months ago
Ruairi Cummings
Graduate Intern, Quality & Safety Improvement,
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service

Supports the Patient Experience Team

Submitted on 17/08/2023 at 18:14
Published on Care Opinion at 18:14

picture of Ruairi Cummings

Good afternoon warmwg34

I would like to begin by thanking you for taking the time to share your experience of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. As an organisation we are committed to consistently show compassion, professionalism and respect for the patients we care for, so it was disappointing to learn that the service provided did not fully meet your expectations.

If you would like to further share information regarding your journey with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service I can be contacted at:

I wish you the best with your recuperation.

Ruairi Cummings

PPI Opportunities

The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service are currently developing a range of opportunities for Service Users, Carers and members of the public to inform the planning, delivery and evaluation of its service. To find out more please visit Current Opportunities - Engage ( or email Neil Gillan at

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Response from Lisa Cadden, Ward Manager, Cardiac Unit, South West Acute Hospital 9 months ago
Lisa Cadden
Ward Manager, Cardiac Unit,
South West Acute Hospital

Ward Manager in the Cardiac Unit SWAH

Submitted on 22/08/2023 at 13:00
Published on Care Opinion at 15:28

Hi warmwg34

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your recent experience, The staff in the Cardiac Unit SWAH are always humbled by hearing feedback from our patients and are committed to providing the safest, most effective and compassionate care.

I will share your positive feedback with the Cardiac Unit Team.

We wish you well in your recovery.

Best Wishes

Lisa Cadden

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Response from Jacob Mani, Cathlab Nurse Manager, Cath Lab Altnagelvin, WHSCT 9 months ago
Jacob Mani
Cathlab Nurse Manager, Cath Lab Altnagelvin,
Submitted on 22/08/2023 at 13:41
Published on Care Opinion at 15:28

Hi warmwg34,

Thank you very much for sharing your experience throughout the hospital journey and the care and support you received by multiple health care professionals. We do appreciate your feedback and wish you good health.

Will pass your feedback to all staff in Cathlab, Wd44/CCU in Altnagelvin Hospital.

Many Thanks

Jacob mani

Cath Lab Manager

Altnagelvin Hospital

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Response from John Kerr, Emergency Nurse Practitioner SWAH ED, Acute Services Emergency Care, WHSCT 9 months ago
John Kerr
Emergency Nurse Practitioner SWAH ED, Acute Services Emergency Care,

assess and treat

Submitted on 24/08/2023 at 09:55
Published on Care Opinion at 09:55

Dear warmwg34

I read with great interest, about your passage through the hospital and community setting, following your unexpected medical Emergency. The gold standard, for assessing patients, with what sounds like cardiac chest pain, is 10 minutes. In your case we achieved this standard. All our nursing staff are experienced in the assessment of patients, and all Echocardiogram tests (ECG's) are reviewed and signed off as seen by one of the departments Doctors. This is departmental protocol to avoid error. In your case it appeared an abnormality was identified, and appropriate action taken. This can make it feel like things are 'kicking off', however, time is critical in certain conditions. On further reading, I feel that communication to you, about what was going on, could potentially have been better. For that I would like to apologise, and I will remind staff about the importance of good effective communication.

There are continual changes and reviews, throughout the National Health Service (NHS) on a national level to improve service provision. Unfortunately, the SWAH is not exempt. However as of the time of responding, a full Emergency service, within our ED, is being provided, with access to all medical services available if required. I hope this reassures you somewhat.

I do hope you are continuing with your rehab with what sounds an excellent aftercare service and I wish you good health in the near future

kind regards,

John Kerr

Emergency Nurse Practitioner (SWAH ED)

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