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"Finally listened to!"

About: General Practices in NHS Highland

(as the patient),

I saw Dr. Korhonen about an ongoing medical issue I had suffered from for around 15 years. I had treatment previously that didn't solve the issue, and had been previously told that there wasn't much that could be done.

When I explained this to Dr. Korhonen, she suggested a different treatment that had been recommended by a charity specialising in my issue. She printed off some information for me and gave me some time to read about it and see if it would be something I would want to do.

She ensured I was referred to a specialist (my previous specialist had been in another country) and I finally felt heard about something that had caused me so much pain for so long.

I moved away from Nairn shortly after but I was able to speak to my next GP about her recommendation and get treatment.

It may have been a normal, everyday consultation for her, but for me, it felt like the first time in over 15 years I was listened to and taken seriously.

The treatment she recommended has made an immense difference and I can't thank her enough.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Sylvia Fraser, Clinical Governance Facilitator , Clinical Governance, NHS Highland 7 months ago
Sylvia Fraser
Clinical Governance Facilitator , Clinical Governance,
NHS Highland

I am part of the overall team who manages complaints for NHS Highland and are known as the Feedback Team. We offer patients, relatives, MPs/MSPs, staff and anyone who requires assistance is registering a concern or formal complaint.

Submitted on 03/11/2023 at 15:44
Published on Care Opinion at 15:44

picture of Sylvia Fraser

Dear Highland Moon

Thank you for your thoughtful post describing your patient experience at Nairn Healthcare when you saw Dr Minni Korhonen.

The practice is always grateful to hear of such positive experiences. It is rewarding to know that Dr Korhonen was able to help you through your difficult journey.

We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated team to care for our patients. I will share your feedback with Dr Korhonen and the staff involved in your care.

Thank you for taking the time to provide such lovely feedback.

Tanya Barron

Practice Manager

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