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"Lack of empathy, organisation, concern and communication"

About: General Practices in Grampian NHS Grampian / North East Scotland Breast Screening Centre

(as the patient),

I recently I called my GP for an appointment due to two lumps in my breast that I had discovered in January along with intermittent discharge. I was given an appointment for two days later.

I was examined by GP, I told them my sister has breast cancer and I was concerned. I was told they were going to refer me as urgent to breast clinic that day and also get my bloods taken. Unfortunately there were no appointments left to get my bloods taken so I had to come back the following Friday. (I don’t drive and have young children, getting to the GP from village via bus is really difficult for me to manage).

My GP reassured me that they were still going to put in the referral on the original appointment date and that if my bloodwork showed anything worrying, they would then put in for my referral to be urgent-suspected. I went to my bloods appointment and was told then that I’d have my results Monday afternoon.

I then called Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for my results and was told a different story every time as to why my results weren’t back. Finally, on Thursday I got the results that the bloodwork was normal. I then call the BC to see how my referral was getting on, only to find out I was never referred because they were waiting on my blood results.

I call my GP back, ask why I was told I'd be referred and then nearly two weeks later find out that I in fact had not been referred. The GP apologises and then puts me through as urgent.

I call the BC to make sure my referral has been received, they said yes but that it was being vetted. A few days later I call the BC again to see if my referral is done being vetted, to find out that my referral has been put in as routine and the breast clinic says it’ll be 12-14 week wait! I then call my GP and ask why I was referred as routine, they tell me that the BC made a mistake and that they will inquire. I call again (3 weeks after my original appointment), the BC says that nothing has changed, they can’t update my file to not say routine.

I call my GP again and demand that something be done about all of this, they ask me to come back in for another examination… so I come back in, I get examined and they tell me they're going to refer me under urgent-suspected, under a brand new referral and that I will be seen within 2 to 3 weeks of that referral.

I call the BC to make sure my new referral has been received… it wasn’t. they only had old referral, which had been changed from routine to urgent and I would be seen within 4-8 weeks...

I call my GP again, I ask why new my referral has still not been put through and their excuse was since Monday was an NHS holiday, it was delayed, even though they had the rest of Thursday and all of Friday to send it in. (That’s 5 days later than they said for the referral to be put in, 5 more days that I could have been closer to my appointment).

I demand that it be sent in before the end of the day as this is more of my time that is being wasted. Finally by mid-afternoon, I had been referred as urgent-suspected. I was told by both the GP and the breast clinic that I would be seen within 2-3 weeks of my referral.

I then wait as patiently as I can for 2 weeks. I call the BC again and ask where my appointment is… to be told that I was only 2 weeks into a 7 week wait! I asked what they meant because I was referred under urgent-suspected and should be seen sooner, and they said that urgent-suspected is now taking up to 12 weeks instead of 2.

Now have yet another symptom (subareolar abscess) that is not just worrying but incredibly painful. I went back to GP Wednesday, saw a nurse who I felt had no bedside manner, was cold and insisted they were not going to update my file with BC because it wasn't going to change my wait time. I said that consultants still needed all information and this was a new symptom. They refused to update them. 

Every time I call GP or the BC I get conflicting information. I keep getting told different stories, 6 weeks on I am still no closer to an appointment. I do not trust anyone in the system now. Every time I think I'm finally going to be helped, listened to, I get let down. To be treated like this, to never get a straight answer, and to have to chase every single thing that is told to me is beyond exhausting. I'm very literally traumatised by my treatment over the last 6.5 weeks.

I have spent countless hours chasing up referrals and demanding my health concerns be taken seriously, only to be met with lack of empathy, organisation, concern and communication. I have called the BC and GP hundreds of times, doing their job for them, or finding out they didn’t do what they said they were going to do.

Due to what I feel is their negligence, I could have been seen by now. I've read the criteria for being referred to the breast clinic. I tick multiple boxes. I want to know why no one is taking my health seriously. I'm over 30, have two abnormal lumps, discharge, family history of breast cancer and now I have this abscess, so what else can I possibly do to get seen?

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Office of Alexander Burnett, MSP for Aberdeenshire West 10 months ago
Office of Alexander Burnett, MSP for Aberdeenshire West
Submitted on 03/08/2023 at 17:25
Published on Care Opinion on 04/08/2023 at 07:37

We’re very sorry to hear about your experience.

There are a number of instances that you have raised which we would be happy to raise with the Scottish Government.

Whilst your clinical pathways are best dealt with by NHS Grampian, if there is anything you would like us to raise with the Scottish Government please do not hesitate to get in touch at

Kind regards, Robyn (Alexander Burnett MSP Team).

Update posted by SJC0511 (the patient)


I emailed Mr Burnett over a week ago and haven’t received a response.

Thank you

Response from Office of Alexander Burnett, MSP for Aberdeenshire West 10 months ago
Office of Alexander Burnett, MSP for Aberdeenshire West
Submitted on 04/08/2023 at 12:46
Published on Care Opinion at 13:19

Thank you for your reply. A colleague has been dealing with this and a response is waiting for approval. We will be in touch with you shortly via email.

Best wishes, Robyn (AB Team)

Response from Kirsten Dickson, Quality Improvement and Assurance Facilitator, Quality Improvement and Assurance Team, NHS Grampian 10 months ago
Kirsten Dickson
Quality Improvement and Assurance Facilitator, Quality Improvement and Assurance Team,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 08/08/2023 at 12:34
Published on Care Opinion at 12:34

picture of Kirsten Dickson

Dear SJC0511

Thank you for sharing – I can hear the worry you are feeling right now. Noticing any change in breast health is stressful and when this happens it is so important the journey to seeing a specialist is smooth and that you have confidence in the people who looking after you. I’m sorry this hasn’t been your experience at all so far.

Having been seen at the Breast Clinic for a similar issue recently I can say the wait time of 7 weeks is about right. Sometimes waiting list times change depending on the nature of new referrals – which may help explain why you are receiving differing information on different occasions from the clinic. Please be assured they will be taking your health seriously and you will be getting closer to an appointment – it’s just not easy to say exactly when this will happen. I’m not responding from the Breast Service though so hopefully one of my colleagues from the service will respond with more information for you.

I am responding as the NHS Grampian Care Opinion contact and I help make sure the stories we receive are shared with the right services. Not all of the services you can share stories about on Care Opinion have direct access to the system and this includes the GP Practices. This is because they are independently run and aren’t registered with Care Opinion. They don’t routinely access feedback and I’m not able to see which practice you visited to contact them.

It sounds like you have done so much work already to try to make sure the practice understand the urgency, but I would suggest contacting them again, as they are key to making sure the breast clinic have all the right information. I would ask to speak to the practice manager – if you haven’t done this already. I can forward your story to the practice too (if you would like me to do that), but you will need to share the practice name with me directly. If you would like me to help I can be contacted on email: or by phone/ text: 07885720267. Help is also available to share your concerns with the GP Practice from the Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS). PASS are an independent service offering free and confidential advice and they can be contacted on 0800 917 2127, or for more information please go to

Take care,


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Lynne Smith, Unit Operational Manager, Women's Services, NHS Grampian 10 months ago
Lynne Smith
Unit Operational Manager, Women's Services,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 08/08/2023 at 14:09
Published on Care Opinion at 14:09

Good afternoon,

I'm sorry to learn of your experience. We currently are experiencing longer waits than normal for our urgent suspected cancer patients, we are looking at solutions to resolve this as we do not wish patients to wait longer than is absolutely necessary. I wonder if you would be happy to call my admin team to give me some further details, so that I can check regarding the fact that you had been referred previously. The number to call is 01224 554904. Thank you.

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