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"My heart attack story"

About: Golden Jubilee National Hospital / Interventional Cardiology Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Cardiac Rehabilitation Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Coronary Care Unit (CCU) Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Initial Assessment Unit

(as the patient),

I had been out with my friend for lunch in February this year and unbeknownst to me I suffered a heart attack when I got home. I thought it was food poisoning as I had sickness and diarrhea (which I now know is a symptom of a heart attack). I persevered for a few days until my wife made me go to the doctors. They took bloods and checked me out, the next day I was told to go to the hospital to get checked again. I was told there that I had suffered a heart attack, which shocked me and was taken a back. All the staff in the Assessment Unit were all very caring and looked after me with the greatest of care and understanding.

I was then taken to the Coronary Care Unit in the early hours of the Friday morning. I was very tired and felt very vulnerable as before this I had felt invincible and had never thought that I would be in this position. I was again dealt with great empathy and patience. Every one of the nursing staff were absolutely fantastic and I felt at all times that the best care that I could get.

I was told that I would be taken to the Golden Jubilee on the Monday for a angiogram, but on the Saturday afternoon I suffered a cardiac arrest which I was told later lasted 90 minutes and was zapped on one occasion 13 times. I remember a few times coming awake and also the life draining out of me before going into arrest again. I didn’t have much emotion or feelings at this time but on reflecting later was overwhelmed by the staff, Doctors and nurses in the room who were saving my life and to this day get very emotional when telling the story. I cannot thank them enough for what they did for me in keeping me alive and owe a massive gratitude to them all and will always be thankful to them. I was blue lighted to the Golden Jubilee where I was operated on and 3 stents fitted.

The difference in how I felt from entering the operating room to leaving was night and day. I went from dying 3 hours previous to being given a new lease of life and I felt 100% better.

I spent 5 days in the Jubilee, where once again the staff were incredible and gave me the utmost care and attention and once again cannot thank them enough for looking after me with such professionalism and care. 

I couldn’t wait to see my wife who had been waiting on me for a few hours to return to the ward. I also called my children, who had an anxious and fearful wait to see the outcome and were relieved when I spoke to them. I was given the best glass of milk and the best toast and marmalade plus endless ice poles by June the Nursing assistant. 

I had put my wife and children through hell and felt very conscious of this.

As I lay in the Jubilee I felt very vulnerable and scared, even with the reassurance that I received from the doctors. It all felt like a bad dream. I also felt that all my energy had been sucked out of me  I struggled to sleep well as I didn’t really want to close my eyes in case I didn’t wake up or suffered another arrest. I was very emotional and struggled with getting my head around what had happened to me and why.

After being discharged I felt like a newborn, very vulnerable and totally dependent on others. I had no energy and was low and sleep did not come easy to me. My wife was incredible with me and cared for me night and day.

After a week of being home I was referred to cardiac rehab where I met Theresa, William and Patricia, the fantastic cardiac rehab team who for the past 4 and a half months have built my fitness and confidence. I cannot thank them enough for how they have treated me and the patience, understanding and direction that they have given me. The rehab classes are so well structured and has a great family feeling where you feel that it’s about you.

I then joined there rehab walking group, where I learnt to walk in a controlled and structured way. It is an excellent way to chat with the rehab physios and other patients. I was surprised to learn that not all rehab units do this. It was great to do your class outside no matter what the weather. They also started gym sessions at Bellahouston gym, which again was a massive confidence boost.

It was my last day at rehab today and I cannot thank Theresa, William and Patricia enough for the boost in my health, physical and mental. This part of my rehab has been invaluable to me and I cannot thank the rehab physios and rehab nurses for their care and attention to me. I will always be thankful to them for all their care, patience and assistance to get me to this point.

I have been on a journey the last few months and I have a massive amount of admiration and respect for everyone that I have come into contact with during my time in the NHS care. 

Thank you to you all, I owe you my life and and where I am today. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 10 months ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 04/08/2023 at 12:30
Published on Care Opinion at 12:30

picture of Nicole McInally

Dear Neil463

I appreciate this has been a very difficult journey for you and I am grateful to you for taking the time to share your feedback. It is great to hear about how fantastic the staff were and that the care you received was the best you could get. I am glad that the staff were able to support and reassure you after you diagnosis.

Theresa and the team will be delighted with your comments regarding Cardiac Rehab and how this has improved your health, fitness and mental health.

On behalf of the staff I would like to thank you for your feedback and wish you well with your recovery.

Take Care


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Response from Paula McPhail, Feedback and Legal Co-ordinator, Clinical Governance, NHS Golden Jubilee 9 months ago
Paula McPhail
Feedback and Legal Co-ordinator, Clinical Governance,
NHS Golden Jubilee
Submitted on 18/08/2023 at 14:36
Published on Care Opinion at 14:36

Dear Neil463,

I wish to start off by saying that I am so pleased to read that you are recovering well from what I can only imagine by reading your story was the most terrifying time, for you and all your family. I am delighted to read that you are now doing well, following months of recovery.

We cannot thank you enough for taking the time to write on Care Opinion and it is amazing to hear of the care you have received throughout your journey. I am so pleased to read that the teams throughout provided not only clinical care, but emotional support, as this is also extremely important during this distressing time.

I wish to assure you that I have passes your kind comments onto the teams, especially June for her ice poles.

I wish you well in the future and continued recovery.


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