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"My diagnosis and cancer treatment"

About: Ayrshire Central Hospital / X-rays & Scans Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre / Acute Assessment Oncology Unit Crosshouse Hospital / Xrays & Scans General practices in Ayrshire & Arran University Hospital Ayr / Accident & Emergency University Hospital Ayr / Clinical Oncology University Hospital Ayr / Clinical Radiology (Diagnostic Radiology) University Hospital Ayr / Radiotherapy University Hospital Ayr / X-rays and Scans

(as a service user),

I had  IBS-D since having Covid, April 22. I was checked in Ayr Hospital A&E in November. On return from our visit to NZ in mid-March 23 symptoms worsened and tests were speedily done, CT scan  Irvine  Hospital, MRI  Crosshouse Hospital and blood test at Ayr Hospital. Stage 4 bowel cancer was confirmed in May when I saw Mr Muir the colo-rectal consultant at Ayr Hospital, who explained the nuts and bolts of treatments possible clearly. I opted for wait and see as I do not want major surgery.

Stephanie, Macmillan colo-rectal specialist nurse was at that meeting and has been a great help ever since.

I phoned her in mid June to ask how to cope best with the bowel pain and ask what would be the best way forward. To my amazement the next day appointments rang, and on the Thursday I saw Mr McLeod at the Beatson cancer hospital in Glasgow. 

He was very clear on the treatment offered, exactly what it entailed, any possible problems and side effects to come. The following Monday I started a 5 day course of radiotherapy at the Beatson.

The effects of this radiotherapy are still ongoing but with Stephanie's guidance I am able to cope so far.

I can't thank the Scottish NHS enough for the handling of my treatment, from our local Medical practice and my doctor, Dr.Denham who listens well and explains clearly, right through to the consultant surgeon Mr McLeod in the Beatson.

Other points to be recorded are Stephanie's lead to East Ayrshire Council's cancer support to get me a Blue Badge and Attendance Allowance, and Ayrshire Cancer Support's transport service.

Even though I am in the twilight of my life I am being treated as well as anyone and wish to thank and give credit to all concerned for their support and care.

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Response from Margaret Gray, Clinical Service Manager, Specialist Oncology Services (Beatson), NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 11 months ago
Margaret Gray
Clinical Service Manager, Specialist Oncology Services (Beatson),
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 18/07/2023 at 13:17
Published on Care Opinion at 13:17

Dear Clydesdale Workhouse,

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback. I am so glad that you were seen by Dr MacLeod so quickly and received Radiotherapy shortly after. I will share your comments with him. It is clear that you are being well supported by Stephanie the colorectal specialist nurse. I hope that you will continue to have the best care the NHS can provide.

Kindest Regards

Margaret Gray

Clinical Service Manager

Specialist Oncology.

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Response from Caroline Rennie, Macmillan Nurse Consultant, NHS Ayrshire & Arran, Cancer services, NHS Ayrshire and Arran 11 months ago
Caroline Rennie
Macmillan Nurse Consultant, NHS Ayrshire & Arran, Cancer services,
NHS Ayrshire and Arran
Submitted on 18/07/2023 at 13:29
Published on Care Opinion at 13:29

Dear Clydesdale Workhorse,

Thank you so much for sharing your experience of your cancer diagnosis and treatment. I am so pleased that you received good care & support. I manage Stephanie and will ensure that this feedback is shared with her, as well as the Consutlants. They will be delighted to receive this feedback,

Kind regards,

Dr Caroline Rennie

Macmillan Nurse Consultant, NHS Ayrshire & Arran

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Response from Interim Programme Lead, Governance and Assurance, Primary & Urgent Care, NHS Ayrshire & Arran 11 months ago
Submitted on 19/07/2023 at 10:27
Published on Care Opinion at 10:27

Dear Clydesdale Workhorse

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your health care experience. Like my colleagues have said, I'm so pleased to hear about the support and care you are receiving from all areas across the NHS and our staff really appreciate to receive feedback from their patients.

I will ensure your comments are shared with your GP Practice and Dr Denham who will be most grateful to receive such positive comments.

I wish you the very best with your ongoing treatment.

Kind regards


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