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"Virtual A&E / Flow Navigation"

About: New Victoria Hospital / Minor injuries unit NHS 24 / NHS 24 (111 service) NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde / Flow Navigation Centre

(as a service user),

I had a trip outside and hurt my foot. On the following morning, I suspected I might need an x-ray so I phoned NHS24 and heard an automated message advising that the NHS24 service is for urgent care, and by staying on the call I could be blocking care from going to someone who needed it more than I thought I did.

I hung up immediately and  phoned my nearest Minor Injuries Unit instead, to ask for advice. The receptionist advised that I could come to MIU and wait, but she advised I try again to call via NHS24, ignoring the automated message, and ask the call handler to refer me to Virtual A&E ... 

I did as advised and within about 2 hours I had received a link to my email address, and had an online NHS Near Me appointment with an A&E Consultant. I was advised when and how to join the call and it worked really well. I was able (with a little help from my husband) to show the consultant my foot and he asked questions about exactly what had happened and my pain. After assessment, he discussed options with me and we agreed that an appointment with the MIU at Victoria Infirmary would be best. He made an appointment for me to attend at 4:00pm.

I felt reassured that I'd been heard and that I knew what to do next. The appointment at MIU also went really well and by that evening I'd had an x-ray, which had shown 2 broken bones in my foot. I was back home with a moon-boot and lots of good advice by 6:00pm. The service was fantastic and I couldn't recommend it highly enough. Special thanks to the consultant, Mr Roy, and Kirsten at the MIU.

If I could make one suggestion, though? The automated message when I made the initial call to NHS 24 made me feel like contacting NHS 24 was the wrong thing for me to do. I had a sore foot and the situation was not an emergency. The message made me feel guilty for blocking the line for other people who would be sicker than me, so I hung up quickly. I knew enough about services in my area to be able to phone MIU and ask for advice, and did get through to Virtual A&E in the end - but I think that message could be a barrier for some people. If NHS24 is the access point for Virtual A&E, I think the NHS 24 automated message needs to be changed to reflect that so it doesn't put people off. 

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Response from Edward Pool, Lead Advanced Nurse Practitioner & Clinical Services Manager, Flow Navigation Centre, NHSGGC 11 months ago
Edward Pool
Lead Advanced Nurse Practitioner & Clinical Services Manager, Flow Navigation Centre,
Submitted on 29/06/2023 at 15:57
Published on Care Opinion at 16:45

picture of Edward Pool

Dear Scarlett2117,

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us about your care, the Flow Navigation Centre really value this feedback. I am pleased to hear that you had a largely positive experience and I hope that you are recovering well from your injury. I can't imagine how painful it must have been to break two bones in your foot!

I will share your feedback with Mr Roy who will be delighted to hear your kind words. He will also be pleased to hear that the onwards care he put in place for you went to plan.

I see you have tagged NHS24 in your feedback. The Flow Navigation Centre do meet regulary with our local NHS24 team and we will certainly have a conversation based on your feedback to see if we can collaborate on consistent clear messaging.

I see you have also tagged the Victoria Minor Injuries Unit. We work very closely with our MIU colleagues and it is so reassuring to hear that your care was passed from NHS24, to the FNC, to the Victoria MIU, so seamlessly.

Thank you again for sharing your story, may I wish you a smooth rehab journey as you recover from your fractures.

Best wishes


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Response from Shona Lawrence, Clinical Governance Lead, Nursing and Care, NHS 24 11 months ago
Shona Lawrence
Clinical Governance Lead, Nursing and Care,
NHS 24
Submitted on 29/06/2023 at 19:36
Published on Care Opinion at 19:36

picture of Shona Lawrence

Dear Scarlett2117

Firstly, I am so sorry to learn of your foot injury. I sincerely hope you are well on the mend. Two broken bones sounds painful and coping with a moon boot can be a challenge too. I wish you well for a full and speedy recovery.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience of calling NHS 24. I hear what you have said in your story and would like to offer you assurance that feedback such as yours is hugely welcome.

I see Ed from NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde has already responded to your story. Ed is absolutely correct when he says we work closely with our partner Health Boards. This is to ensure we provide the best possible seamless patient care.

I am keen for you to contact me directly with some additional detail. This would really help us to understand the day and time you called to establish what message was deployed at that time. The phone message heard by callers is reviewed and updated very regularly to ensure this provides the most accurate up to date information. This also provides detail of any potential wait times for calls to be answered and signposts callers to health information. I understand your comments though, that you feel the message you heard, put you off calling and indeed made you feel guilty for calling. I am sorry for this. This is not the sort of experience we wish for callers and it could be that we need to review our phone message further. Can I ask you to please contact me on 07814 299944 or email I'd be delighted to hear from you to let us explore this more fully.

It's great that you were subsequently assessed online using 'Near Me' - what a great facility to have. It's also good of you to provide positive feedback on the service received at the Minor Injuries Unit.

Take care meantime and I hope to hear from you further.


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Shona Lawrence, Clinical Governance Lead, Nursing and Care, NHS 24 11 months ago
Shona Lawrence
Clinical Governance Lead, Nursing and Care,
NHS 24
Submitted on 10/07/2023 at 10:28
Published on Care Opinion at 10:28

picture of Shona Lawrence

Hi Scarlett2117

Thanks so much for getting in touch with me directly. It was good to hear more about your experience of navigating our phone menu. I hope you are doing well.

I shared your further detail with senior staff, including our Telephony Team. They were extremely grateful for your comments. The message heard by callers when they contact 111 is reviewed regularly and I have been advised your comments will be included in the next review.

We do have an A&E option in place and have done so for some time. This is used daily, both in hours and out of hours and this pathway works well. Indeed sometimes this can avoid A&E attendance for some patients and assists our Health Boards partners in managing demand by directing patients to the most appropriate care.

Much consideration has gone into the wording of the phone message. We have tried to keep the message as simple as possible. We are aware that many people who call NHS 24 are unwell, concerned, or are in a stressful situation, however it can be a balance to attempt not to confuse callers with too many options.

The phone menu will be reviewed as part of our winter plans and your comments will be considered. Your specific comment about deterring callers is very welcome and this is something we clearly want to avoid.

Thanks again for your feedback on this. It really is very much appreciated.

Kind regards


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by Scarlett2117 (a service user)

Thank you very much for considering my feedback and for the updates. I've been really impressed by how quickly all this has happened and have felt heard. Let me know if you need anything from me in future. Thanks again.

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