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"Access to specialist depression service"

About: Adult Mental Health Services - Community (County) / Rushcliffe Local Mental Health Team (LMHT)

(as the patient),

I have long-term treatment-resistant depression, I've attempted suicide and spent two periods in psychiatric units of 4.5 months and 1 month.

I've been stable on isocarboxazid for 3 years, prescribed by a psychiatrist at Nottingham's Specialist Depression Service. Recently I've started to feel depressed again, the GP referred me to Rushcliffe Local Mental Health Team (LMHT) for onward referral to the Specialist Depression Service (who can take ex-service user's on for short periods to adjust meds etc.).

The GP did this because isocarboxazid is rarely used nowadays and has many interactions with other meds, and affects metabolisation of certain foods, therefore should be prescribed or dosage altered by a specialist psychiatrist.

I had an assessment call from someone at Rushcliffe Local Mental Health Team LMHT who refused to listen to me and said the GP can alter the dosage, and refused to take me onto their service. They were so rude to me that I suffered an autistic meltdown and was unable to work for the rest of the day. So I went back to the GP who consulted with a senior partner - who agreed that a GP should not alter dosage of isocarboxazid and that I should see the Specialist Depression Service., so they've referred me back to Rushcliffe LMHT.

I'm dreading another assessment call like the last one. I have no confidence that I or my GP will be listened to, and as the LMHT are the gatekeepers to the service that I need, I worry that by the time I can access the specialist psychiatrist my mental health will have deteriorated significantly again, costing the NHS much more for my care, potentially risking my life and definitely putting my ability to work and earn enough to survive at risk.

Also I'm the carer for my wife, who's a wheelchair user, so I'm terrified of becoming unable to care for her. I've been similarly let down by LMHTs in the past - Gedling LMHT refused to believe the Specialist Depression Service existed, delaying my referral by over 7 months and directly leading to my second stay in a psychiatric unit.

I hope that doesn't happen this time as it's taken me 6 years to recover from that experience and return to full health and earn a living again. But I'm terrified that it'll happen again.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Tanya Hobbs, Acting Service Manager, Adult Mental Health LMHT, Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust 11 months ago
Tanya Hobbs
Acting Service Manager, Adult Mental Health LMHT,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust

Acting Service Manager for the County South Recovery Services

Submitted on 27/06/2023 at 11:35
Published on Care Opinion at 11:35

I'm really sorry to hear about your experience with the Rushcliffe LMHT service. Please get in touch with me on the details below so we can discuss this further and I can look into your concerns.

Yours sincerely

Tanya Hobbs

Acting Service Manager

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by OldBat (the patient)

Immediate response is lovely... but getting no response to the email I sent has made that response seem performative rather than useful. Does anyone who emails in to follow up actually get a reply...?

Update posted by OldBat (the patient)

Thanks to Tanya for chasing this, have now seen a psychiatrist and had my meds altered. Feeling better now, not least for finally having someone listen to what I need and be able to action something so simple.

Response from Tanya Hobbs, Acting Service Manager, Adult Mental Health LMHT, Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust 9 months ago
Tanya Hobbs
Acting Service Manager, Adult Mental Health LMHT,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust

Acting Service Manager for the County South Recovery Services

Submitted on 25/08/2023 at 12:15
Published on Care Opinion at 12:50


Thank you for contacting to update us on your progress. I'm really pleased to hear you have been seen and have had your medication altered. As per the email I sent, please do not hesitate to contact me again in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Tanya Hobbs

Acting Service Manager

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