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"Unflinching Good Practice"

About: Lane End Medical Group

This review is written in keeping with policy, which arguably could be described as a tad restrictive.

I was fortunate enough to secure an emergency pm appointment at the surgery in June of 2023.

As a rather fit, young and allegedly good looking septuagenarian, I had been quite unwell with continuing gastric problems, increased visits to the toilet, overall weakness and general feeling of being out of sorts.

As I arrived at the Surgery on the day, I was met by the not surprising, overall ambience of orderliness, cleanliness, and an inexplicable and overwhelming sense of reassurance - not to talk of the professionalism exuded by staff at the counter.

The Surgery offers the technology and gadget for quickly registering and notifying the GP of one’s arrival, thereby allowing one not to line up - and immediately directing one to their station.

This gadget in the Surgery, always pleasantly, reminds me of the Tv series Star Trek - and the famous statement by Captain Kirk to his officer - ‘Beam me up Scotty’.

The Surgery gadget, informs one to proceed up the stairs to the waiting room - although not quite beaming up in the same sense - no doubt the Surgery, will get there someday.

On the day in question, I did not have to wait long, before being called by the doctor, whose name the review forbids me to disclose. The review also prohibits me to mention any identifying features or the Gp’s gender. Notwithstanding, the Gp could only have been one of two genders, namely Xy or Xx chromosome. I’m unable to disclose which.

In the Gp’s consulting room, I was met with nothing but complete professionalism, a reassuring display of knowledge of my medical issue and asking of questions. The Gp took my Bp, he listened with his stethoscope as I was asked to breathe in and out. He gently prodded by stomach as I explained the continuing burning sensation and pain I was experiencing in the stomach.

All in all, it was an unrivalled display of caring for the welfare of the patient.

The Gp offered me Omeprazole tablets, which as I pen this review has dramatically reduced the burning sensation in the stomach.

The Gp also put me forward for blood and poo tests, which are to be taken. The Gp enquired whether I had had my Shingles jab.

A thoroughly confident display of knowledge and reassuring narrative, was exhibited by the Gp.

I left the Surgery, confident, reassured and boosted in my knowledge, that as a young Septuagenarian, I could very easily add another 2 scores and 10 years, to attain that grand old age of about 120 years.

The Surgery has to be an exemplary manifestation, of all the goodness and wholesomeness that exudes from the Nhs.

The staff of Lane End Medical Group, should be congratulated and rewarded for their excellent work for humanity. logo
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