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"Reassuring me that help was just a call away"

About: Virtual Wards / Respiratory Virtual Ward

(as the patient),

I was feeling pretty rough on the Saturday, a bit like flu ,cold inside and very warm outside of my body. I took paracetamol and went to bed sleeping on and off all night. Sunday I felt really rough, so much that I just couldn't sum up the energy to visit my husband in his care home, I was coughing and very breathless, I got through the day but that night I was coughing all night, not sleeping, it was a dry cough.

By early Monday I'd had enough and rang 111, they took me to hospital and I was in ICU all day, bloods,monitoring etc. I was put on oxygen and electrical nebuliser Salbutamol and spent 5 days in hospital. COPD was the outcome, gradually my breathing settled down and armed with a new inhaler etc I was allowed home on the Friday.

I was followed up with several calls from the Virtual Ward making sure I was ok and no returning symptoms, this is a new one on me and what a brilliant idea, no trips to the hospital, but reassuring me that help was just a call away should I need it. Just a phone call, not a bevvy of nurses flitting from one to another, no waiting for hours, no buses to get, saving time and freeing up staff. Great.

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Response from Lara Kirby, Clinical Manager, Virtual Health Hub, HHFT 13 months ago
Lara Kirby
Clinical Manager, Virtual Health Hub,
Submitted on 05/05/2023 at 14:42
Published on Care Opinion at 15:28

Thank you for your lovely feedback, I'm sorry to hear you were so poorly. However we are very pleased you found our service helpful. We are still relatively new and all feedback helps us to improve the service and grow, so thank you for your kind words.

We wish you well in your ongoing recovery

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