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"The best thing that's ever happened to me"

About: Smoke Free Hull

(as the patient),

I reached out to  SmokeFree Hull over 2 months ago. I have been smoking since I was 13 years old and I am now in my late twenties.  I have never been able to successfully quit. I have tried many products,however doing it alone was too much of a struggle.

When I reached out to smoke free I was assigned an agent but I'd like to say more like a support worker who would call me same day every week to check on me and motivate me. I am a heavy smoker so my hopes of successfully quitting smoking was almost none existent but Mhairi motivated me every week. I started on the strongest patches as I smoked around 20 cigarettes a day, sometimes more if I where going through any kind of stress.  While on the patches I cut down drastically to around 2 cigarettes a day in the first week because the craving had gone. By the second week I was already off cigarettes.

I slipped on 2 occasions in my first month but I'd gone through some heavy stresses and my slip only consisted of 2 cigarettes on both occasions and both times I never finished the cigarettes as they made me feel a little sick. I am now on week 10 I have been off nicotine patches for around 5 weeks and smoke free for 10 weeks.

I have tested myself at social events and I am able to be around my smoker friends and not feel a single bit of temptation. I feel amazing. Because of this I have put parts of the money I would have spent on cigarettes and saved just over 400 pounds which I have put towards now getting my nutrition and weight side intact by investing in a personal trainer.

Smoke free Hull is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I am forever grateful, I know I will live a little longer and have more fun with the money I would have used on cigarettes. Thank you

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Response from Ali Truman, Marketing Lead and Service User Engagement, Stop Smoking Service - Hull & Newcastle, Change Grow Live 13 months ago
Ali Truman
Marketing Lead and Service User Engagement, Stop Smoking Service - Hull & Newcastle,
Change Grow Live
Submitted on 27/04/2023 at 14:08
Published on Care Opinion at 14:08

picture of Ali Truman

Hello CraftyLongcroft94,

What an amazing story, thank you so much for sharing your experience.

We hope this has a positive impact on others wanting to quit, showing just how much happier and healthier you feel when you give up smoking.

Mhairi will be especially pleased to hear that her support has been so helpful to you, and that her motivations and calls made a difference in your experience.

We understand stopping smoking is hard, and slips up do happen, they're nothing to be ashamed of, and it's great you were able to get back on track quickly to finish your treatment.

It's a great achievement, and you should be proud of how far you've come.

We wish you the best of luck continuing on your smokefree journey, and with the extra money that you've saved there's no stopping you now.

Take care,

The SmokeFree Hull Team

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