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"Mental health referral"

About: 'Fife Adult Mental Health Psychology'

(as the patient),

Been struggling with my mental health for roughly 10 years now. Always thought it was anxiety and depression (been on various medications over the years and got good at self help - apps, breathing techniques and routines) until summer last year  when a work event caused me to breakdown 100 times worse than I am normally and I couldn't self sooth myself. It wasn't going away and I knew within myself it wasn't the same meltdowns as before.

Spoke with my GP who did an indicator test and I fell within the Aspergers bracket. This, as small as it was, was enough for him to refer me to a specialist. Waited ages on the telephone zoom appointment. It came through and the doctor spent 40 minutes with me talking about how I felt presently and asked a few questions about my childhood, which I couldn't really answer. He then suggested a 7 week course with community mental health to help with my anxiety. Although I do not think that this is the issue I have went along with it in case it does help, after all I'm not medically trained. 

The mental health team called me today to finally let me know we are starting next week on the videos and asked if I had any questions. I asked what happens at the back of this course, as I feel that the course is simply a coping mechanism and not the root of the problem and was advised that I would only see the psychologist again if I was still under one. I was advised that I wasn't and that I had been discharged. If I wanted another referral I would have to go back to my GP and start again.

Why was I discharged with no explanation? The GP felt there was a need to refer my case so why was I only with a Dr for 40 minutes, briefly covering only a fraction of why I feel the way I do? Why didn't the Dr wait and speak with me after my 7 week program was up? I feel severely let down as an older woman, with no childhood mental health problems (only adult ones for 10 years).

I feel there is a stigma around diagnosing woman and mental health conditions such as adhd and autism due to how we could potentially mask. After this I feel completely failed by the doctors handling my case. Upon self investigation and speaking with family members, who also agree, it would appear that there is much more than anxiety at play, which every Dr up until now has panned off on me (once or twice being proved as the wrong diagnosis to symptoms) but because I went in and spoke honestly about having anxiety, it's been put down to that. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Dr Andy Summers Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Consultant Clinical Psychologist / Head of Fife Adult Mental Health Psychology, Adult Mental Health Psychology, NHS Fife 13 months ago
Dr Andy Summers Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Consultant Clinical Psychologist / Head of Fife Adult Mental Health Psychology, Adult Mental Health Psychology,
NHS Fife
Submitted on 28/04/2023 at 11:57
Published on Care Opinion at 12:05

Thank you for taking time to post your feedback on Care Opinion. I was sorry to read about your experience and while we can’t comment on any individual’s care here, as a Psychology Service we aim to provide the highest quality of care and support for those with mental health issues. I would like to have the opportunity to discuss your specific concerns, to allow me to do so, please contact me on 01383 565442.

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