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"Knee Xray Appointment and Results"

About: Castle Hill Hospital / Radiology

(as the patient),

After waiting since last August for a knee x-ray appointment, I finally had the x-ray in mid March. Now its April, I contacted my GP surgery and they are still waiting to receive my results.  I am 79 years old and my knee pain has been getting worse over the past 18 months.  I am originally from the States (I moved here in 1965), and am so very grateful for our NHS.  It saddens me greatly that the system seems so broken.  The wait has been very frustrating and it looks like the waiting time for knee surgery is up to a year. I had my x-ray at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire.

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Response from Jackie Wileman, PALS Officer, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 13 months ago
Jackie Wileman
PALS Officer,
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Submitted on 20/04/2023 at 11:16
Published on Care Opinion at 11:16

Thank you for placing your posting on the Care Opinion website. We are sorry to read of your recent experience in waiting for your x-ray results and follow up appointment.

In order to address the concerns you have raised, we would like to invite you to contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) who will be able to take further details and advise accordingly. The PALS service can be contacted on:

• Telephone: (01482) 623065

• Email:

• Online:

Thank you once again for taking the time to provide us with your views on local NHS services.

Kind regards

Patient Experience Department

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

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