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"Care following a terminal cancer diagnosis"

About: Altnagelvin Area Hospital / North West Cancer Centre Altnagelvin Area Hospital / Radiotherapy cancer services

(as a relative),

Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer after rapid weight loss over a few months. We were given a diagnosis of 12 months initially, which ended up being just 3.5 months in the end.

We had some follow up appointments in the North west cancer care centre in Altnagelvin hospital where we were first introduced to Yvonne. She reached out to us during the face to face appointments and over the phone to ensure we understood and were up to date with all the information we were given in a short space of time. 

I likened it to being on the starting grid of a car race, the flag had just started the race but we had no idea of the layout of the track and were just hurtling around corners blind of what was around them! Everything seemed to be moving with such pace after we got our terminal diagnosis. 

We were given some hope initially but as the cancer spread rapidly we were unfortunately left dealing with a very short time frame in the end. The chemotherapy wasn’t working the way it was anticipated so we moved to palliative care quite quickly. Those difficult conversations were had with the utmost respect and caring nature that was possible. 

Thank you for making our cancer journey easier, thank you for your kind words and the knowledge that you shared and the kindness that came with our meetings. Thanks for the support that you gave Mum and Dad when they went to the hospital and the phone calls in between. We were on a journey that we never wanted to be, but with your support and help we were able to make Dad comfortable and informed throughout.

We appreciate everything you did for us in our most difficult time, and appreciate all the knowledge and support you shared with us.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Celia Diver-Hall, Interim Lead Nurse, Macmillan Nursing Service Manager, North West Cancer Centre, Western Health and Social Care Trust 14 months ago
Celia Diver-Hall
Interim Lead Nurse, Macmillan Nursing Service Manager, North West Cancer Centre,
Western Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 12/04/2023 at 12:17
Published on Care Opinion at 12:17

picture of Celia Diver-Hall

Dear Likeableeb55

I am Celia Diver Hall, Macmillan Nursing Services Manager at the North West Cancer Centre.

Thank you for sharing your story with us. No doubt it has been a very difficult and challenging time for you and your family.

I am pleased that we were able to make your Dad's cancer journey easier and that you, along with your family were supported.

I will pass your feedback onto the team who will no doubt appreciate hearing your kind words and that you have taken the time to provide such lovely feedback through care opinion

Thank you


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