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"An extension of our family"

About: Adult Community Services / Domicilliary Care Service

(as a relative),

I just thought that I would share our experiences of domiciliary care for my mum, mum passed away a year yesterday and still whenever we reflect and talk about her her lasts years a big part of that conversation includes her carers.  Mum lived in Armagh 

She has a team of exceptional carers whose care, compassion and understanding can never be understood unless you have the pleasure of that team crossing the door of your loved one - they become such an extension of your family without them your loved one could not remain at  at home.  They knew what to do in times of need so professional. 

Memories are so important when your mum is gone but when you can look back and smile remembering the good times, remembering the important things, those who were important to her - her "carers" its so good. The laughs we had with them, the stories mum chatted to us after the "carers" had left, stories might be as simple as what was on the news that morning but the chats were so important as important as the care.  These ladies do not do this as a "job" but it is clear to see it is much more to them - its about the person, our mum.  

Please share this with the team, Mary (Louise who has moved areas), Lelia etc and every member of that team who cared for mum. We will never forget what you did.
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Response from Claudine McComiskey, Head of Domiciliary Care, Domiciliary Care Services, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 13 months ago
Claudine McComiskey
Head of Domiciliary Care, Domiciliary Care Services,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 27/04/2023 at 18:08
Published on Care Opinion at 21:53

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback and experience. I am heartened to hear that you can look back with fond memories of your mothers care.

I will share this with the team.

best wishes Claudine McComiskey

Head of Domiciliary Care

Southern Health & Social Care Trust

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