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"Physiotherapy for Long Term Health Conditions"

About: Adult Health & Support Services / Physiotherapy University Hospital Wishaw / Physiotherapy

(as a service user),

I have a long term rheumatic health condition.  I self manage this within the best of my ability and therefore only contact services when required.  

I was recently involved in a car accident which has caused a flare up of my pain - mainly nerve pain.  I have seen A and E and GP and both have recommended physiotherapy.  Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a drop-in/drop-out service available for those of us with long term health conditions and we appear to have to go back onto a waiting list - by which time the flare up will either have painfully passed, or the pain will have become such that I am required to take more medication than I want to and possibly time off of work due to the nature of my job.  

Surely it would make sense resource wise, financially and most importantly for person centred care at the right time when needed most - that there was a specific service for those living with long term health conditions with chronic pain? 

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Response from Ruth Currie, Interim Head of Service, Physiotherapy, South Lanarkshire University Health and Social Care Partnership 14 months ago
Ruth Currie
Interim Head of Service, Physiotherapy,
South Lanarkshire University Health and Social Care Partnership
Submitted on 30/03/2023 at 16:57
Published on Care Opinion at 16:57

picture of Ruth Currie

Dear Dazzle,

I am sorry to read that you live with a long term health condition and your pain has flared up after your recent car accident. This must be very distressing for you.

We currently have various access routes into Physiotherapy although don't have a drop in clinic for those living with long term health conditions. We are always interested to hear the views of our patients and will consider this.

In the meantime, if you want to contact our patient affairs team on 01355 585325 one of our staff will make contact with you and discuss how we might be able to help with your flare up.

Kind regards

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