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"Amazing doctors and nurses"

About: Maternity care (wards 68, 72 &73) / Labour suite Maternity care (wards 68, 72 &73) / Maternity Assessment/Triage The Princess Royal Maternity Unit / Maternity care (wards 68, 72 &73)

(as the patient),

I went into labour with my second child on in March 2021. As soon as I arrived at the hospital I felt an excellent level of care. It was near the end of Covid restrictions and the maternity assessment ward was relatively quiet. Knowing that if I was moved to a ward my husband would have to leave, and seeing that I was contracting well, the nurse very kindly let me stay in maternity assessment that little longer. I dilated quickly and went straight to Labour ward! The kind consideration of the nurse to let me stay that little bit longer and have my husband by my side was invaluable - I will never forget that.

On arrival in labour ward I was very lucky to have a fantastic midwife - Hannah. She had such a reassuring manner and was very supportive. She also noticed something in my notes that nobody had yet mentioned to me during my whole pregnancy - I had hemorrhaged after the birth of my first child so was at risk of that reoccurring. She took the opportunity to ask my permission for an injection once the baby was out to reduce the risk this time around. She was on the ball!

Speaking of balls, I had brought my own fitness ball and yoga blocks with me and there was another one in the room - I made good use of both! Hannah then introduced me to a peanut ball when I was feeling tired and needing to lie down. I was very anxious about not lying on my back because of the experience I had with my first labour, and she was a massive support - introduced me to a peanut ball when I was getting tired so I could lie on my side more effectively. It made a huge difference to my labour overall. She kept me informed about everything that was going on around me and reassured me every time there was anyone new in the room. After several hours I was still not fully dilated and the pain was getting a bit much. The anaesthetist came in and delivered Remifentanil. She was also very reassuring and professional. I needed a couple of stitches at the end and the other anaesthetist was also friendly and reassuring. 

There was another nurse working alongside Hannah - her name was Lucy . She was in training from what I remember and she had a lovely manner about her and also did a great job - I know she will make an excellent fully qualified nurse! 

Hannah came up to the ward with me and chatted to me about it after too - I really felt she cared about our wellbeing and I will never forget her!

I had been quite anxious about labour for the second time after a difficult experience with my first, but even though I still had a 13 hour labour with a couple of scary moments, Hannah and Lucy made everything so much more bearable - I can't thank you enough ladies! 

I was in overnight with my baby and the next morning during the paediatrician checks we discovered that she had a heart murmur. She was given a heart scan within just a couple of hours and a problem was detected for follow up in 6 weeks time. Everyone was very informative and supportive. We discovered 6 weeks later that she has Pulmonary Stenosis, which was a shock, but that early diagnosis has meant that we have been able to do something about it. We were incredibly lucky to have such amazing doctors and nurses caring for us!

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Tracy Orr, Lead Midwife, Princess Royal Maternity, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 15 months ago
Tracy Orr
Lead Midwife, Princess Royal Maternity,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 02/03/2023 at 10:35
Published on Care Opinion at 10:35

Dear s8rah,

Thank you for your post on care opinion. I am delighted to hear you had such a positive experience during the birth of your second child. I understand the difference the support from your husband would have made, at that point in time. I am so pleased you felt supported and reassured by Hannah. I will pass on your comments to her personally. I will also share your story with all the departments within the PRM, including neonatal. I hope you daughter is doing well now after her diagnosis, wishing you all the best for your family, thank you once again!

Kind Regards,

Tracy Orr

Lead Midwife


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