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"Virtually visiting my mother"

About: Southern Health & Social Care Trust / Virtual Visiting Service

(as a service user),

Had my second virtual visit with my mother this afternoon. It was so lovely to see her and we chatted for quite some time. It is sad she is unable to see as her vision has been temporarily badly impaired, but she really enjoyed chatting.

Thank you much for providing this service as I live too far away to visit often and at least this way I can see and talk with her.

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Response from Mairead Casey, Patient Client Experience & 10,000 Voices Facilitator, Patient Client Experience, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 16 months ago
Mairead Casey
Patient Client Experience & 10,000 Voices Facilitator, Patient Client Experience,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust

Patient Client Experience & 10,000 Voices Facilitator for Southern Health and Social Services Trust.

Submitted on 21/02/2023 at 15:46
Published on Care Opinion at 15:46

picture of Mairead Casey

Good afternoon

Thank you so much for getting in touch again - it is great that you enjoyed a second virtual visit with your mum. It must be so reassuring for her also to hear your voice and chat to you. We hope that you continue to use our service and that your mum continues to improve.

Best wishes

Kind regards

Mairead Casey

Virtual Visiting Service

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