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"Upset by my consultation with the nurse"

About: General practices in Greater Glasgow & Clyde

(as a service user),

I recently called my practice for an emergency appointment due to ongoing abdominal pain with bouts of constipation and then followed by really bad diarrhoea, sometimes it's diarrhoea on it's own with lower abdominal pain that is only relieved when I go to the toilet. This has been ongoing now for years but is getting worse.

I went for a sigmoidoscopy a couple of years ago due to symptoms but the results were fine. The reason I called my doctor yesterday is because of an issue I've been having where I have been unable to empty my bladder properly and also some stunning pain on passing urine, not all the time this is something that comes and goes with months in between. I drink lots if water and ensure I'm always hydrated.

I am on a lot of different meds for my mental health. I also take meds for acid reflux that recently has been getting to the point where I am sick in my sleep. It wakes me and I've choked on my sick a few times and I feel it in my windpipe and have to try different ways of getting it out of there. Around an hour or so after this I get flu like symptoms where my bones and joints ache and I feel very feverish. This has happened a few times now.

At yesterday's appointment, which I thought would have been with a doctor since that's what I asked when I called, I was seen by the nurse practitioner who asked for a urine sample which I gave her. It was crystal clear not cloudy or foul smelling. She proceed to dip the urine, might I add at this point that my mother was in the room also whilst I was out giving my sample. I told her about my abdominal pain and about the acid reflux issue.

Now at no point during the appointment did she physically examine me, she said I had a good going urine infection that she was also going to send to the lab. She started me on antibiotics and told me to come back for bloods because I might be diabetic. I pointed to where I got the pain and she said “that's constipation” her words. I sat in a chair the whole 5 minute appointment and not once did she lay me down to feel my stomach. She prescribed me laxido and an antibiotic that she told me would make me feel sick.

Now she already knows I have acid reflux and I told her about the sickness. What I would love to know is this: why give someone complaining of stomach problems and being actively sick, especially aspirating on it, why would you then give them an antibiotic that causes sickness? I don't understand that.

It took me around 5 minutes once I left that appointment to process what just happened or the lack of what happened. I felt let down and had a strong feeling that the nurse just couldn't wait to get home. It was clear to see.

I would like this looked into and I will be requesting that this nurse practitioner doesn't see me again. In my eyes she is a liability waiting to happen. If she thought I had an infection shouldn't she have taken my temp? She didn't even do that.

I'm furious the way I was treated yesterday and so was my relative who attended the appointment with me. I expect a response from the NHS GGC on this before I decide to take this further.

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Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 16 months ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 07/02/2023 at 17:30
Published on Care Opinion at 17:30

picture of Nicole McInally

Dear Qnal33

I am very sorry to hear about your consultation with your nurse and for the upset and distress this has caused.

GP practices operate independently and have their own feedback, comments and complaints systems a. I would therefore encourage you to get in touch with your GP’s practice manager to discuss your experience.

If that is something you might find difficult to do there is an independent service called PASS (Patient Advice and Support Service) who can help you to give feedback, raise concerns or make a complaint about any health service, including GP practices. It is free and entirely confidential. You can contact PASS on 0800 917 2127 or visit their website at Patient Advice & Support Service | Citizens Advice Scotland (

Kind Regards


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